Bank foundation ? a symbiotic legal institution at the crossroad of banking system and non-profit sector

AuthorMagdalena Catargiu
PositionAlexandru Ioan Cuza' University of Iasi
Bank foundation a symbiotic legal institution
at the crossroad of banking system and non-profit sector
Ph.D. student Magdalena CATARGIU
In the context of the development and omnipresence, in Europe, of the non-profit
sector and due to the di versification of the legal entities tha t are involved in the
configuration of the third sector, an lega l analysis of the foundation of banking or igins, is
very appealing.
Throughout this study we a im to point out key moments in the evolution of this
particula r figure, mainly in the Italia n legislation. Nevertheless, we inte nd to identify the
legal na ture of the foundation of ba nking origins in order to draw a line between banking
and philanthr opic activities.
Keywords: foundation of ba nking or igins, non profit sector, Italian legislation, corpor ate
JEL Classification: K39
I. Diachronic aspects of banking foundations
In the Italian legal system, the creation of banking foundations has not
been the consequence of the legislator’s particular concern, but the effect of the
process of reorganization and privatization of banking institutions. We refer mainly
to savings banks. Originally, they were charitable institutions which did not operate
in the banking system. Their establishment took place in the late 18th century, in
the context of philanthropic ideas` flowering among the wealthy. There were thus
benevolent associations aiming to promote and support disadvantaged groups and
to encourage savings. Their numerical development led to the possibility of
identifying a primary typology.
In regard to the founder and to the legal nature of the property, there ar e
two main categories:
- Associative savings institutions, which were established throughout
private contributions;
- Savings institutions based on foundation’s framework, created at the
initiative and with the participation of a public entity or a charitable institution2.
The propose of the activity and the inner organization outlines three types
of savings institutions:
- Associations aiming to conduct banking activities, namely collecting
- Charitable foundations that had only administrative bodies;
1 Magdalena Catargiu, „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi,
2 Marcello Clarich, Andrea Pisaneschi, Le fondazioni ba ncarie. Della holding creditizia al`ente non
profit, Societa editrice Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, p. 20-21.

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