Sustainable Development Rm. Vâlcea City - Strategic Objectives

AuthorCamelia Marin, Isabella Sima
PositionConstantin Brancoveanu University, Faculty of Management Marketing in Business Economics
Sustainable Develo
Constantin Brancoveanu Univ
Constantin Brancoveanu Univ
Although sustainable
caused by intense industrial exp
primarily preserve environmenta
economically and socially. Su st
authorities. Ramnicu Valcea sus
capable of deep changes in men
priorities are pre-
completion and
development planning. The c
are not in contradiction with e
common vision on future settlem
effort to protect the environment
sustainable developm
1 Introduction
Sustainable development means
confused with a mere quantitativ
accompanied by a double movem
grow without losing coherence an
people, between them and the nat
To be "sustainable" (
compromising the ability of futur
Valcea Administration Ob
Sustainable development of Ram
mechanisms capable of deep ch
analysis and evaluation of priorit
the Plan of Action, the cor
e of su
Performance and Risks in
elopment Rm. V
âlcea City -
Strategic O
Camelia Marin
, Isabella Sima
niversity, Faculty of Management Marketing in Bus
niversity, Faculty of Management Marketing in Bus
le development was initially meant to be a solution to the env
exploitation of resources and environmental degradation con
ntal quality, today expan
ded the concept of quality of life in it
ustainable d evelopment is central to many studies of both sc
sustainable development requires the promotion of p rinciples
entality and behavior of entire communities. Problem analys
nd implementation stages of the Action P lan, the central elem
nclusion I can draw is that the strategic objectives for each are
each other, and more mutually supportive and contribute
lements in a county: making changes positi
ve economic and
pment; local authorities; strategic objectives
ns to achieve the objectives of nature. "Developm
ative growth measured by GNP to obtain, it has a
vement of diversification and integration, which a
e and multidimensional growth that ha
s the quality
natural environment in which he operates.
1998, p. 51)
this development should meet the need
ture generations
to meet its own aspirations.
amnicu Valcea and even Valcea county
, the promot
changes in mentality and behavior of entire co
rities are the stages preceding the establishment an
sustainable development planning.
the European Economy
c Objectives
Business Economics,
Business Economics,
environmental crisis
continues and seeks
its complexity, and
scientists and lo cal
les an
d mechanisms
lysis and evaluation
ement of sustainable
area of development
te to achieving the
nd social, integrated
opment" should not be
s a complex of growth
h allows the system to
ity of relations between
eeds of present without
otion of principles and
communities. Problem
and implementation of

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