Study on the role of identity-oriented actors in the Syrian crisis

AuthorSeyed Ali Asghar Kazemi/Noushin Mirzaee Jegarlouii
Study on the role of identity-oriented actors in the Syrian crisis
Professor Seyed Ali Asghar KAZEMI1
PhD. Noushin Mirzaee JEGARLOUII2
Recent developments in Arab countries have provided new opp ortunities and
possibilities for the transformation of the political climate, security and change the balance
of power in the region. Sin ce the beginning of 2011, the Middle East has witnessed ma jor
developments and serious changes. The main changes resulting from the Arab Spring in the
Middle East can be "crisis develo pment" in the region. Different approaches have been
presented on the reason of the crisis in the Middle East, especially political and security
developments in Syria. By 2011, signs of civil disobedience and political upheaval in the
Middle East have been observed on the agenda of planners. From 2011 onward, id entity
components provided the context for civil disobed ience radicalization and thus social
violence has been formed in the form of security policy of radicalized groups.
Keywords: security crisis of Middle East, the Arab Spring, Identity-Oriented Actors,
Cooperative Security, crisis of identity and legitimacy
JEL Classification: K33
1. Introduction
In Syria, the country's strategic position in the region and the ethnic and
religious structure within the society and the state have made some complexity in the
process of transformation. Syria transformation has been under the dominance of the
religious identification of Salafi groups who’s rooted in the ideology of Ahmad Ibn
Hanbali, Ibn Timiyeh, Mawdudi, Mohammed Abdel Wahab and SayyidQutb. Each
of these approaches have reflected signs of violence, Salafism and dealing with
secular governments in the Arab Spring process.
Social transformations in this geographic area not only lead to escalation of
the crisis and displacement of power, but also provide a context to convert the
political competition to social conflict and civil war. Regional security is another
matter has affected Arabic Spring development. It is obvious that, Arabic Spring
development caused some changes and transformations in the past coalitions and
alliances, and has disturbed former situation largely.
Transformations of Arabic spring have affected the security in the Middle-
east from international aspect. International aspect concerns the role and intervention
1 Seyed Ali Asghar Kazemi – Faculty of Law and Political Sience, Science and Research Branch, Islamic
Azad University, Tehran, Iran,
2 Noushin Mirzaee Jegarlouii – Faculty of Law and Political Sience, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran,

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