State Structure and Political Regime Structure

AuthorPaul Iulian Nedelcu
Position1University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences
Legal Sciences
State Structure and Political Regime Structure
Paul – Iulian Nedelcu
Abstract: The political regime is the concrete form of or ganization and functioning of political system and
therefore, the regime means the concrete way of organize, institutionalize and function a political s ystem
and of the exerc ise of political power by a social-political force in a social community or global social
istem. The political regime is not limited to institutions and state bodies, but it covers the entire political
system. Form of expression in social practice plan is the result of balance of forces between classes of
citizens, organizations, between them and c ivil society and politics.Designates the concrete form of
government formation and organization, of state bodies, in aspect of their characteristics and principles, the
relations between them and other state bodies, and also as the relationship between them and other
institutionalized forms of political systems. Instead, the political regime is an explicit realization of
axiological operations, a specific hierarchy of values, in gener al and political values, in par ticular. Even if
some elements of the political regime overla p to some extent and in some respects, those of form or
structure of guvernamnt s tate, thus they dissolve his identity, distinct quality of being specific traits of the
political regime.
Keywords: public administration; ministries; government; authorities of public administration
1. Introduction
The State, whose birth is determined by historical circumstances, is, first of all, an idea, a product of
human intelligence.
Regulator of the political struggle, the State has to ensure a homogenous base which situates it above
all divergent social interests. The liberal state, the state of the unique party or the pluralist state have
tried, each in its manner, to answer to this requirement.
The fundamental elements inherent to the existence of a state are: the territory, the population, the
power of the sovereign policy.
Constitutionally, the territory is interesting first of all as structure of state, component of the form of
state, alongside with the form of government and political regime.
The state structure is object of study both for international law and for the constitutional law. This fact
is explained through the complexity of the problematic and, of course, through its political, juridical
and scientific involvements.
The state structure has been defined in the doctrine as being th e organization of the state power in
certain spatial limits, meaning on a certain territory, designing the specific relations established among
the elements which compose the state assembly, as well as the specific relations between "whole" and
"components" (
Ioan & Ivanoff, & Gilia. 2008, p.38-58.
). From the state structure point of view, the states can
be divided into unitary states and federal states.
University of Craiova, Faculty of Social Sciences, Address: 13 A. I. Cuza Str., Craiova 200585, Romania, Tel.: +40 251
414398, fax: +40 251 411688, Corresponding

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