Staff Performance Evaluation in Public Organizations

AuthorDrumea, C.
PositionDepartment of Finance, Accounting and Economic Theory, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 7 (56) No. 2 - 2014
Cristina DRUMEA1
Abstract: In public Organizations staff performance i s difficult to measure
in absence of overall quantitative performance i ndicators. There are also the
qualitative indicators that give an ove rview on staff’s motivation, strive,
ability, commitment to values, teamwork. These a spects are even less easy to
illustrate, in private and public sectors equally. In both cases, measuring
staff performance at work, as well as its input on the global performance of
the organization is a difficult task which has in practice different approaches.
Subsequently, this paper is discussing the system indicators and performance
triggers used in International Organizations UN affiliated, in order to adjust
staff classification and benefits to their staff’s performance.
Key words: staff performance, motivation, talent management.
1 Department of Finance, Accounting and Economic Theory, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
How to measure staff performance in
general? There are some con secrated
indicators that assist in quantifying staff
performance (e.g. Productivity – in all forms
of expression, Net Profit/employee, Staff
Fluctuation coefficients and rates etc.), but
they mainly apply to the profit-oriented
organizations, where it is possible to depict
direct effects from the staff’s endeavor (such
as Turnover, Profit, Production).
Or public organizations function on
budgetary sources from public and private
donors, Member States (for International
Organizations) or any other donors that
establish, under the low, such specific
relationships with the public entity. In
using their allotted budgets, a cluster of
rules and regulations apply in order to
insure fair and transparent use of the
(converted) public financial sources. It is
why, in such contexts, performance in
general can be measured mainly through
correctness of disbursing allocated
resources, in line with the established
objectives and, obviously, through
“clients” satisfaction. By clients we
understand the beneficiaries of public
services/goods rendered and society at
large, as well as any
sections/departments/divisions that get
support from another division in the same
or a different public organization. As we
speak about a broad range of intervenient
in the whole process, the performance
measuring falls once a gain under lots of
caveats and it gets difficult to actually have
a good picture of the quality of services
provided by public organizations staff. A
way to however measure the level of
satisfaction from the beneficiaries of
services and work done by empl oyees is
through independent surveys conducted by
specialized agencies and comprises two
distinct approaches: client’s satisfaction

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