The Specificity of the Organizational Culture in European Management

AuthorMariana Aida Cimpeanu, Ionut Sergiu Pirju
European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
The specificity of the Organizational
Culture in European Management
Cîmpeanu Mariana-Aida
, Pîrju Ionel Sergiu
Danubius University of Galati, Faculty of Economic Sciences,
”Al. I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Doctoral School of Economics,
Abstract: Starting with intensifying globalization and the internationalization of economic r elations,
increased the competitions on the world market, producing a number of restructuring, changes in the
international management and subjecting firms to r eengenering. The emergence of technology has changed
the way of making transactions eliminating the human intervention. The economic organization in these terms
focuses more on knowledge and communication than control and administrative hierarchy. The necessity for
organizational culture research is given that this exerts a strong influence on a company performance and
becomes more pronounced in dynamic conditions i n the external environment. A culture must be accepted by
all company employees and the managers have to identify cultural factors that hinder the development and
transform these factors into values. The leaders are those who manage to create vision of the future that they
wanted and they inf luence and, i n turn, they are influenced by organizational culture. European context is
characterized by a cultural variety and we can not speak of a management model as is the Japanese or the
North American. Europe is characterized by the coexistence of many cultur es which presents similarities and
considerable differences. M akridakis, in his "Single Market Europe” remarked that the EU cannot be treated
as a unicultural organization. Cultural differ ences existing in the EU i s not an obstacle to European
integration; they ca n become the source of many competitive advantages for the EU citizens. Europe is
showing a trend of convergence of his values: decrease of the religious values as a source of moral obligation;
the development of the democrat ic political system; the increase of the social relat ions values. We are able to
conclude that, at the c ultural level of Europe, is chara cterized by great diversity based on a set of common
and similar values, which are major components of European integration.
Keywords: culture; European management; cultural diversity; common cultural values.
1. Definitions of Culture in Management
The concept of culture knows many definitions in Management. Raghu Nath claims that can be put
equal sign between the concept of culture and nation. After Kelly, culture is synonymous with the
concepts of mentality and action.
Kluckhohn C. believes that culture is structured a way structured on thinking, feeling, and riposte in a
human group and transmitted mainly by symbols , which represents his identity, and includes article
who are produced by the group. Heart consists of traditional ideas (derivatives and selected by the
history) and the values attached to them.
In Geert Hofstede's conception, culture is: “the collective programming of the human spirit which
distinguishes the members of a class from the members of another”. Defined as, culture includes value
systems, which are among the essential elements of it. For the human community, culture is like the

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