Some Forms of Manifestation of Official Corruption and Crimes against Official Duty in Kosovo 2011- 2012

AuthorEmine Abdyli
PositionTeaching Assistant, PhD Candidate, Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of Pristina, Kosovo
Some Forms of Manifestation of Official
Corruption and Crimes against Official
Duty in Kosovo 2011- 2012
Abstract: Corruption as one of the forms of th e organized crime represents one of th e most
dangerous phenomenon which directly attacks the society. Corruption, respectively the official
corruption is present in every country of the world but in the countries that have a developed
democratic system, the corruption is considered to be controlled while in developing countries (such
as Kosovo is) corruption is at a very concerning level. According to the official data, the corruption in
Kosovo takes place in many public institutions. Therefore, we can reach positive results in fighting
and preventing this negative phenomenon o nly if we only if we roughen the punishment and criminal
sanction p olicies. In addition, the paper presents that during the period 2011 2012, the courts in
Kosovo preceded a very limited number of th e cases that are related criminal offence against
corruption. In addition, the courts imposed lower measures of sanctioning compared to the number of
the criminal offence cases. Only a closer cooperation between the triangle Police Prosecution
Court and the support from the citizens would enable the sustainable basis for fighting and preventing
the official corruption. The paper contains theoretic, legislative and statistical information. The
emphasis will be given to the official corruption and the criminal offences against official duty, the
most co mmon forms of the official corru ption as well as the statistical data related to the o fficial
corruption and other criminal offences against official duty.
Keywords: corruption; official corruption; fighting and preventing; officials; criminal offences
1. Introduction
Organized Crime is considered to be one of the phenomena which endanger the
social balance of a society in economic, social and political aspects. Most
expressed forms of crime in the Republic of Kosovo are: smuggling of narcotics
and human beings, money laundering, abuse of official duty namely official
corruption etc. Corruption as a form of organized crime presents one of the most
Teaching Assistant, PhD Candidate, Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law, University of
Pristina, Kosovo, Address: Agim Ramadani Str.p.n., 10000, Pristina, Kosovo, Corresponding author:
AUDJ, vol. 13, no. 3/2017, pp. 158-175
dangerous phenomenon which directly attacks the society. Corruption is
manifested in the entire world but in countries with a tradition in the democratic
system it is considered to be under control compared to countries in transition (as is
our country) in which corruption is in disturbing level. Regardless of various
attempts and initiatives from state institutions and civil society for reduction of
corruption, the level of this negative phenomenon remains high. Marked increase
in the level of official corruption, the collapse of economy, stagnation in
implementation of anti-corruption system, poor implementation of administrative
instruments to prevent corruption and insufficient cooperation between control
bodies auditing, security and justice bodies, resulted in an unsuccessful war
against corruption on one side and a large loss of citizens‟ trust in public
institutions on the other side.
In this paper a special emphasis will be paid to official corruption and offenses
against official duty, disciplinary policy against official corruption and offenses
against official duty as well as some other more common forms of official
corruption, like: abuse of official duty or authority, acquisition on duty, bribery
etc., as well as statistical data regarding official corruption and other crimes against
official duty so that the essay shall be rich in theoretical, legal and statistical
aspects. In the course of this essay we will mainly rely on the Penal Code of
Kosovo, laws, decisions and various international statements, Statistical Office
data, Kosovo Police, courts and other additional sources which serve for a better
treatment of this negative phenomenon.
2. General Overview of Official Corruption and Penal Actions Against
Official Duty
Official corruption and criminal acts against official duty as a whole represent
illegal actions of official persons. Official corruption namely criminal acts against
official duty are directed against fair and legal functioning of public services which
official personnel are obligated to perform.
The main component of these criminal acts is violation or obstruction of official
duty from official persons through abuse of power and official authorizations.
These criminal acts result to be dangerous because they are carried out by persons
who have been entrusted with official authorizations and at the same time are
obligated to fulfill these authorizations. Committing such penal actions in illegal

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