Social Dimension of the EU ? the Pillar's Impact on European Labour Law

AuthorNóra JAKAB
PositionPhD dr. habil., associate professor at the Faculty of Law, vice rector for educational development and quality insurance, University of Miskolc, 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, (email:, +36308940320
Over the past decades, the world of work has been changed. The concept of flexicurity was to
provide answers to the challenges that arised. What has happened with security in the European
Labour Law, what can be discerned as the European Pillar of Social Rights has been adopted? How
has the social dimension of the EU been altered? The article attempts to give an overview of the Pillar
from a point of view, according to which the Pillar is an employment model and a social and labour
market program in itself.
Keywords: labour law regulation, flexicurity, social and labour market program, European
Pillar of Social Rights, social dimension of the EU.
1. Broad context of the social
The world of work has evolved
significantly since the adoption of Directive
91/533/EEC on an employe’s obligation to
inform employees of the conditions
applicable to the contract or employment
relationship („Written Statement
Directive). The last 25 years have brought
about a growing flexibilisation of the labour
market. In 2016 a quarter of all employment
contracts were for „non-standardforms of
employment and in the last ten years more
than half of all new jobs were „non-
standard. Digitalisation has facilitated the
creation of new forms of employment
whereas demographic changes have resulted
The described article/presentation/study was carried out as part of the EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00011 Younger
and Renewing University Innovative Knowledge City institutional development of the University of Miskolc
aiming at intelligent specialisationproject implemented in the framework of the Szechenyi 2020 program. The
realization of this project is supported b y the European Union, co-financed by the European Social Fund.
∗∗ PhD dr. habil., associa te professor at the Faculty of Law, vice rector for educational development and quality
insurance, University of Miskolc, 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, (email:, +36308940320
1 COM (2017) 797: Proposal for a Directive of the Eu ropean Parliament and of the Council on transparent and
predictable working conditions in the European Union . Brussels, 21.12.2017
in a greater diversity of the working
population. The flexibility coming with new
forms of employment has been a major
driver of job creation and labour market
growth. Since 2014, more than five million
jobs have been created, of which almost 20%
in new forms of employment. The
adaptability of new forms of employment to
changes in the economic context has enabled
new business models to develop, including
in the collabourative economy, and has
offered entry into the labour market to
people who previously would have been
excluded. The employment level in the EU
is an all-time high, with 236 million men and
women employed 1.
However, these trends have also led to
instability and an increased lack of
predictability in some working

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