Science of Law in Context of Globalization

AuthorEmilian Ciongaru
Legal Sciences in the New Millennium
Science of Law in Context of Globalization
Emilian Ciongaru1
Abstract: The concept of glo balization must not only know and known but rather understand as be a very
used term which can be attributed many meanings. Through this term can understand the development of
global financial markets, increased of transnational corporations and their growing dominance of national
economies. Globalization can be said to represent a p henomenon that extends communication channels
between states and communities, and has effect that th e internal legal order of a state, part of the European
Union is expanding that to a whole new con cept, the world legal order. Science of law, among all disciplines,
is the most a ffected by this process of continue unification of the world because science of law continuously
should be updated, so they can cover as many of the new aspects of contemporary social life because
permanently were being born new areas and new domains of la w new methods and strategies of application
or the techniques of regulation so that to can be reached in case many of those which were fiction in the past,
at present become an acquis.
Keywords: law; justice; science of law; globalization; legal order
1 Introduction
Marking the borders is not the role of a untouchable space of territory, the state becomes, inevitably,
part of a whole, of the globalized world and its territory having the meaning guided by logic of flows
in all areas (Zygmunt, 1999, p. 85): the capitals, the goods, the informations, the cultures, the persons.
All these flows represents both vectors of power, for those who know how to generate them, master
them and give them meaning, as well as destabilizing factors, only if they are seen as fatality. Thus in
the last years increased mobility of law because the application of law no more requires adjustment
certain misunderstandings between neighbors but also the organization of movement of capital, of
goods, of information, of persons between countries and between continents default. The concept of
globalization of law arises from of the necessity existence of some procedures which to have as
purpose safety change these flows and therefore prevention of potential risks arising from these
lawsuits. (Craiovan, 2010, pp. 281-282)
Supranational entities were created which have become more and more powerful and which are
autonomous from the states which finance them and along the years, have acquired supranational
character. These entities without its own flag, such as IMF, World Bank, have exercised an important
1 Associate Scienti fic Researcher, PhD, Romanian Academy-Institute of Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Radulescu”,
Bucharest, Romania, & Associate Professor, PhD, Hyperion University, Bucharest, Romania, Address: Address: 169 Calea
Calarasilor Street, 3rd District. Bucharest. 31615, Romania, Corresponding author:

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