The Attorney at Law's Social Security Rights with the Exception of Retirement Rights of the Paper

AuthorMatefi, R.
PositionLaw Department, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Roxana MATEFI1
Abstract: This article aims to discuss the issue of the attorney at law’s
social security rights, according to the legislation in this particular domain,
namely the Statute of the Insurance Institution for Attorneys at Law. The
paper is divided into seven sections, covering: the main regulations
regarding the social security and retirement rights of the attorney at law;
general information; the allowance for temporary work inability; the
maternity allowance; the allowance for raising a child; death aid and the
means of payment for social security allowance.
Key words: social security, rights, allowance, aid, work inability,
1 Law Department, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Regulation
Regulations regarding the social security
and retirement rights of the attorney at law
are to be found in Romanian law since the
beginning of the regulation of this
Beginning with the Law regarding the
organization of the advocate’s organization
in 1907, the Romanian Bar entered a time
of social organization, which lasted until
The institutions created during this time
were: the savings bank, the retirement and
the aids granted to the attorneys and their
families, the insurance institution for
attorneys at law.
In 1936, the Statute of the Romanian
Central Lawyers Retirement Institution
was passed and that of the Aid Institutions
of the Bar with the purpose of creating a
special retirement fund for lawyers and
their families. In 1940, the law for the
organization and functioning of the Central
Lawyers Social Security Institution was
passed; a law which was modified shortly
after it was passed in 1940.
One of the responsibilities of this
institution was to grant retirement funds to
lawyers, employees, widows and
descendants, in accordance with the
provisions of the law [1]
According to our current law, the
attorney at law has the right to retirement
and other social security right s based on
the provisions of the Government’s
Emergency Ordinance no 221/2000.
This law helped create a unique and
autonomous retirement and other social
security rights system, which is managed
by the Romanian Attorney at Law
Insurance Institution, an institution whose

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