Rights content on designs

AuthorOvidia Ionescu
PositionPhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, 'Nicolae Titulescu' University of Bucharest (e-mail: ovidiaionescu@yahoo.com).
Our intellect characterizes us and helps us make a difference in life. Due to our intellect we can
understand the world around us, our personality is shaped and developed and, d epending on such
development, we can learn new things that are beneficial to us both as individuals and the humankind
as a whole.
Intellectual property focuses on the in tellect and the protection of everything that is a creation,
represents an important element of day-to-day life and ensures the adequate progress of things deriving
from and related to said aspect.
Authors are th e creators of intellectual property, and their creation must be protected.
Furthermore, they benefit from a protection system, respectively a protection title, as well as
patrimonial and non-patrimonial righ ts in connection with their achieved creation and in f ull
dependence thereupon.
Keywords: intellectual property, patrimonial rights, non-patrimonial rights, author, protection
1. Introduction
The field covered by this paper is
intellectual property and the themes of the
study aim rights co ntent on designs. The
importance of the proposed study is to
identify the effects of protection and the
rights acquired by the authors as a result of
mind product protection and the objectives
of the paper are to introduce the reader in
the intellectual protection area and
understand the e ffects of protection and its
importance by showing related structured
procedure and a simpler way to understand.
I intend to respond to the objectives set by
showing main effects of rights on designs
and models and their importance, including
identification of relevant articles of Law
129/1992 o n the protection of designs and
models as republished. I would like to show
among other aspects presented herein that
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law, “Nicolae Titulescu” University of Bucharest (e-mail:
state of knowledge is high in the matter
addressed and the subjects reveal this.
Our intellect characterizes us and
helps us make a difference i n li fe. Due to
our intellect we can understand the world
around us, our personality is shaped and
developed and, depending on such
development, we can learn new things that
are beneficial to us both as individuals and
humankind as a whole.
Intellectual property focuses on the
intellect and the protection of everything
that is a creation, represents an important
element of day-to-day life and ensures the
adequate progress of things deriving from
and related to said aspect.
Authors are the creators of intellectual
property, and their creation must be
protected. Furthermore, they benefit from a
protection system, respectively a protection
title, as well as patrimonial and non-
patrimonial rights in connection with their

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