Revoking the Suspension of Enforcement of the Prison Measure for Non - Payment of Civil Obligations

AuthorDinu, C.
PositionLaw Department, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Cristina DINU1
Abstract: According to art. 84 from the Criminal Code, revoking the
suspension (liberation on parole) of the e nforcement measure of prison may
be imposed if the defendant – the convict does not willingly fulfill his/her civil
obligations to which he/she was bound by the definitive sentence of
condemnation. Given that the legislature is not very expl icit regarding the
above mentioned text and regarding the moment in time when it is necessary
to establish if the breach of civil obligations occured, the judicial practice is
conflicting as the legal text is interpreted differently nationwide. We
appreciate the need for a case study regarding the applicability of this legal
institution in practice, so through this article we will try to present various
conflicting arguments enacted in practice.
Key words: conviction, revoquing measures, prison, civil obligations.
1 Law Department, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction. General notions
regarding the legislation on the
The judicial suspension of serving a
criminal punishment represents an
individualization measure of executing a
criminal punishment.
This type of measure can be decided by
the criminal court through the sentence of
punishment and consists in the suspension
during a definite period of time and in
particular conditions of the effective
execution of the criminal punishment [1].
The purpose of this type of judicial
individualization of the criminal
punishment was inflicted due to the fact
that the legislator and also the courts
usually think that the purpose of the
criminal punishment can be attained if the
convict keeps his/her freedom of
movement and is stimulated to be
reeducated without being incarcerated.
Thus, in order to benefit from this
judicial institution, the convict has to meet
several conditions that regard both the
punishment that was inflicted and also the
conviction. The conditions regarding the
punishment are clear and objective, and
need no clarifications. However, the
conditions regarding the convict have the
purpose of creating in the mind of the
judge the assumption that, the person in
question can be reeducated while no
freedom limits are imposed upon him/her.
If the convict had been convicted before to
a criminal punishment with imprisonment
for a period of time that exceeds 6 months,

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