Informatisation of public services ? strategic resource in the development of society

AuthorDaniela Ciochinã
PositionLecturer Ph.D.
Lecturer Ph.D. Daniela CIOCHINÃ
Nowadays one of the stra tegic resources in the development of society is the information which is supported
by modern information technologies. The impact of implementing information technologies i n var ious fields of
human a ctivity is so str ong that is brings into question a new phase in the society evolution information society.
One of the la rgest industries worldwide is the industry of information technology and it is an upward growing one.
Because of the a dvantages tha t information technology brings for a social and economical growth, a ll the
economically developed countries and all the ones still developing, have a dopted informatisation on a general level
as also in cert ain special areas. In our country on public administration services have been adopted by the
Government Decision no. 1007/2001
a pproving Government str ategy on informatisation of public administrat ion,
and many regulati on, making this reference: Law no. 455/2001
rega rding e-signature; Law no. 52/2003
rega rding
transpa rency of decisions from public administration; Law no. 291/2002
for a pproval of Government Decision no.
regar ding electronic means of collecting fees and local taxes; Law no. 161/2003
regar ding some measures
to ensure the tra nspar ency for exercising public roles in public positions and in the business environment, prevention
and punishment of corruption.
Keywords: e-administration, implementation, pri nciples of informatisation, informatisation of public
administration, porta l or e-administration services, portal for on-line administra tive applications, consequences.
JEL Classification: K23
I. The concept of informatisation of public administration in our country
The concept of informatisation of public administration cannot be restrained in a unique
definition, pursuant to the strategy which the Government proposes to the citizens.
In our opinion, this have four main components:
The citizen can benefit of any public service to which he/she is entitled, by an application
submitted to any administrative office in charged with exercising that particular service, without
the relevance of their residence; if a change appears in the life of the citizen or a third party
(relevant in this case) which he/she must notify or inform the administration about, this must be
done only one time, at the moment when the event took place. This notification must bring the
effects automatically. The Administration must keep, for every citizen, a separate file, which can
allow the transmission of changes to all interested bodies and thus the services in charge can be
activated; once the citizen asks for a service (beside the identity documents), he/she is identified
and should not supply other personal information which are (or should be) included in the
database of any state authority; The citizen can demand a service based exclusively on his/her
Daniela Ciochin, „Dimitrie Cantemir” Christian University, Bucharest,
Government Decision no. 1007/2001 for the approval of Government strategy regarding the informatisation on public
administration, published in the Official Journal no. 705 from 6th of November 2001.
Law no. 455/2001 regarding e-signature published in the Official Journal no. 429 from 31 of July 2001.
Law no. 52/2003 regarding transparency of decisions in public administration, published in the Official J ournal no. 70 from the
3rd of February 2003 and updated by Law no. 242/2010 published in the Official Journa l no. 828 from 2010.
Law no. 291/2002 for the approval of Government Decision no. 24/2002 regarding the collection of fees and local taxes by e -
means, published in the Official Journal no. 346 from 24th of May 2002.
Government Decision no. 24/2002 regarding the collection by e-means of local fees and taxes, published in the Official Jour nal
no. 81 from 1st of February 2002.
Law no. 161/2003 regarding some measures to ensure the transparency when exercising public roles in public positions and
business environment, prevention and sanction of corruption, published in the Official Journal no. 279 from 21st of April 2003.

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