Psychodiagnosis of motivational factors in organization

AuthorGeorgiana Corcaci
PositionPetre Andrei University, Iasi, Romania
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşo v
Series VII: Social Sciences Law Vol. 12(61) No. 2 – 2019
Georgiana CORCACI2
Abstract: The didactic profession, a standard of individual value, is in the
last years perceived as a safe but poorly paid profession, on the other hand as
a profession that proves passion, love for the younger generation. The
increasing number of labor conflicts generated by wage grievances in the
Romanian state education system has raised a growing number of questions
about the equity of salary but especially about the optimal amount that would
satisfy the teachers' wishes. The research carried out during the first months
of the 2017-2018 school year at Miron Costin High School in Iasi aimed at
diagnosing the motivational factors that underlie the satisfaction and
dissatisfaction with work, a m otivational psychodiagnosis among primary and
gymnasium teachers.
Key words: psychodiagnosis, motivation, work satisfaction.
1. Introduction
Motivation is the fundamental engine of our actions, the variable that guides our
behavior in everyday life (Bogathy, 2007). Any action taken is justified by a set of factors
that energize, activate and sustain the behavior. Knowledge of motivation factors is a vast
field of research in psychology, a science that seeks to elucidate the inner causes that lead
to a certain conduct. Often, the psychological point of view links the motivation of staff
with human needs. The need that has the highest level o f non-satisfaction will also exert
the greatest pressure to be satisfied. On these grounds, the first theories on human
relations and human resources emerged, theories that pursue d the motivational aspects
within organizations and how they determine work satisfaction. The optimal motivation
level has been a constant concern of specialists in organizational management, being
appreciated as the dominance and intensity of various forms of motivation that can lead
to high performances or at least to achievement of the objectives (Armstrong, 2003;
Chirică, 2010).
1 Paper presented at the International Conference “Psycho logy, Education and Human Development”, Brașo v,
23-25 May 2019
2 Petre Andrei University, Iasi, Romania,

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