Posted workers in the transnational provision of services - Treatment and obligations of employers

AuthorMihaela Catana
PositionFaculty of Law, 'Titu Maiorescu' University, Bucharest, Romania
PhD. student Mihaela CATAN
This study aims to clarify some issues concerning the r ules applicable to posted workers within the fra mework
of the transnation al provision of services and obligations incumbent upon employers, both of those the post and the
provision of services to ben eficiaries , issues raises a number of pra ctical problems with regard to the d istinction in
regulatin g the notion of posting, rela tive to the internal regu lation of the Labour Code (Act 53/2003 - republished ) on
the one hand and the Europea n legislation by the other ha nd. Thus, the contr actual r elationships between the employer
post their workers to perform work for the benefit of its contr actual partner, must be very defined very clearly the
relationship s between employees and employer posted in Romania and that to which they are posted abroa d and the
obligations each of them. In prepa ring this paper were used q ualitative a nd quan titative research methods spec ific
depth research of lega l sciences, the sociological method, deductive method on r egulations, concepts a nd theories,
compara tive method. Expected results of the study consist of a summary of the main regulations, solutio ns and doctrinal
views on the development of a n suggestions of la w, cla rification of the regulations with significance implications for
business, citizens in their capa city as workers a nd also for legal pra ctitioners.
Keywords: Posting, posted workers, employers, Directive, conditions of work and employment.
JEL Classification: K31
I. Preliminary
Conditions of posted workers in the transnational provision of services and obligations of
employers, both of which post of the beneficiary and the provision of services in practice raises a
number of issues, most times, so knowing the law and the lack thereof helping to make approaches
and conduct activities contrary to law and in violation of the rights of persons seconded. Given the
distinction in regulating the notion of posting, follow the regulations of the Labour Code (Law
no.53/2003 - republished) and legislation to clarify the rules applicable in terms of deployment as it
is regulated by the Labour Code, internal posting and posting in the provision of transnational
services - Community legislation transposed into Romanian legislation. Therefore, in establishing
contractual relations between employer posting workers to perform work for the benefit of its
contractual partner must be very clear relationships between employees and employer posted in
Romania and that to which they are posted abroad and the obligations each of them.
Arrangements for which the two parties agree to opt in fulfilling their obligations in carrying
out the contractual relations must consider the relationship of subordination of employees, each of
the obligations of employers, especially determining the applicable law, taking into account the
provisions on the coordination of social security systems by reporting both internal and legal
regulations in the EU, namely Regulation nr.883/2004 on the coordination of social security
It should be considered that in order to guarantee the rights and working conditions of a
posted worker and avoid "social dumping", while the service providers can provide services cheaper
than local suppliers - due to lower cost of labor work - the European Community through its
legislative instruments, established a nucleus of mandatory rules concerning the terms and
conditions of employment of labor will be applied to workers posted to work in another Member
State. These rules reflect the standard of local workers host Member State in which the employee is
sent to work as referred to in Article 3 of Directive 96/71/EC under the heading "Conditions of
Work and Employment".
11 Mihaela Catan - Faculty of Law, "Titu Maiorescu" University, Bucharest, Romania,

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