Open-Source Enterprise Content Management using Workflows: An Implementation Case-Study for Higher Education Institutions

AuthorMaican, C. - Lixandroiu, R.
PositionCentre 'Advanced Research on Mechatronics', Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences • Vol. 7 (56) No. 2 - 2014
Abstract: Organizations are continuously challenged by the management of
increasing amounts and varieties of digital information types and formats. In
the form of a case-study, this paper presents a small part of the
implementation process of an open-source Enterprise Content Management
software and a workflow for routing documents within a university. The first
part of the paper makes and introduction to the concepts surrounding the
Enterprise Content Management software, the second part of the paper
briefly presents the Business Process Management (BPM) and the third part
focuses on the workflow process as part of the BPM within an organization.
Key words: enterprise content management, open source, university.
1 Centre “Advanced Research on Mechatronics”, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
Like other major organizations,
universities nowadays cope with new
sources of content that influence the
growth in volume of enterprise content.
Additionally, they control increased
volumes of paper-based documents, from
which higher and higher percentages is
digitized. As a reaction, large enterprise
content management (ECM) platform
vendors change into “information
management frameworks”[2]. While the
literature tends to focus on an ECM in the
relationship with administrative purposes
such as digitizing services, document and
records management, and, lately, email and
web content management, there has always
been a digital asset function, which is
underpinned by repositories [14].
Attempting to state what ECM is, some
authors (e.g. [1], [11]) rely on the
definition instituted by the Association for
Information and Image Management
(AIIM): “Enterprise Conte nt Management
(ECM) is the strategies, methods and tools
used to capture, manage, store, preserve,
and deliver content and documents related
to organizational processes. ECM tools and
strategies allow the management of an
organization’s unstructured information,
wherever that information exists”. In
addition, other researchers have presented
wider explanations of ECM: for example,
[3] explains ECM as “the strategies,
processes, methods, systems, and
technologies that are necessary for
capturing, creating, managing, using,
publishing, storing, preserving, and
disposing content within and between

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