Norms and Legal Instruments on Preventing Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Highlights from the Istanbul Convention

AuthorMarcela Monica Stoica
Legal Sciences in the New Millennium
Norms and Legal Instruments on Preventing Violence against Women and
Domestic Violence. Highlights from the Istanbul Convention
Marcela Monica Stoica1
Abstract: Women’s rights are human rights and violence against women is actually a violation of human
rights and a form of discrimination. For many decades, a form of violence against women is so called “intimate
partner violence”. This kind of violence includes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse and even the control
of behavior by an intimate partner. Thus, this paper aims at analyzing, in a legal and sociological paradigm,
the Istanbul Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence,
developed by the Council of Europe, an instrument that could lead to a growing integration of human rights
combating the biases that accept the violence against women. Through these norms, instruments and
education women should be empowered to break the cycle of accepting subordination and violence.
Therefore, the conclusions resulting from the study are that cultural and religious customs and traditions that
are used to ju stify violence against women must be forbidden. A lot of campaigns for raising awareness on
this issue have to be launched aim aiming at challenging their acceptance in society.
Keywords: Istanbul Convention; women; violence; victims; bias
The present study is based on the legal documents and statistics published by international and European
organizations in the field of human rights.
The women’s rights issue preoccupied the whole world but the first steps in their defender were made
only after the international organizations like United Nations, African State Organization, Latin and
South American Organizations and recently, the regional organizations from Europe such as Council of
Europe and the European Union got involved. All these entities created legal binding instruments aiming
at preventing, combating and protecting the human rights. Thus, this study is divided in three parts that
approach, chronologically and historically, the phases in which the problematic of women was subject
of debates in the public sphere as a unique entity with rights and duties able to act at every level of a
society and in all fields of life. The important successes of today wouldn’t be possible if it hadn’t been
guided by the principle of equal opportunities, non-discrimination and the day to day fight against
prejudices, cultural habits, and religious belief. From all forms and actions that break the women’s rights
we focus on violence against women and on domestic violence in this relation being involved the
intimate partner violence.
1 Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University, Facult y of Po litical Sciences, Ro mania, Address: 176 Splaiul Unirii, Bucharest,
Romania, Corresponding author:

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