National Unic Number Registrar. Utopy or “A must have”

AuthorCosmin Olteanu

Cosmin Olteanu. Lect. Eng. Nicolae Titulescu University

Page 514

Actual higher education image is a bit crumpled. In the context where 4 universities have been discovered to enroll students on fake faculties or fake form of faculties and moreover to print diplomas for them, a change is needed. This change is to be made by a national database of unique numbers for every student (license studies, master studies or doctoral studies).

This national database should provide a clear view on enrolment for every university and for every diploma printed there and not to have just a general distribution for diplomas without the coverage of a clear statistic system like we have now.

The general idea is to have a strong unique informatic system where all the data to be collected from all universities.

Right now, and this should be mentioned, in one university there are more faculties, with a couple of study forms and with attendance or not and the ID student number is not unique. This may be described as:


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So, the rule for ID student number generator is quite simple. For every student in the red circle (in the upper diagram) is generated a number from 1 to ..... .

This means that in one faculty from one university there are minimum 9 students with 1 as ID student number.

If we extrapolate at 3 faculties from an university basis (small university) we get more than 18 students with the same ID.

Go ahead and make a small calculation on 30 or 40 universities with an average of 4 faculties.

30 x 4 x 9 = 1080

So at national coverage there are 1080 students with 1 as ID student number.

This problem is unusual and should be repaired if we want to have a fair system without errors.

For this case study all the teachers thought that we need a national database where every student has a unique ID number and on an a national meeting of rectors the UNIQUE ID STUDENT REGISTER (Registrul Matricol Unic) has been started.

This was done by starting a joint venture of main Education Institutions from Romania like MECI, UEFISCU, ARACIS and others witch where reunited on the web site


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Moreover on 30 July 2009 is published order 4651 where Education Minister Ecaterina Andronescu establishes exact fields for national database.

Here is mentioned that for every student candidate must be collected a lot of personal...

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