The oil and mining concession in european perspective

AuthorCatalina Georgeta Dinu
PositionTransilvania' University of Brasov, Expert in Brasov Territorial Office of People's Advocate
Assistant professor Ctlina Georgeta DINU
1, PhD
The importance of invoking national inter est and dispute over na tural resour ces has increased in direct
propor tion to the growing importance o f these resour ces and decrea se inversely with quantity. A dull but in tense battle
at this poin t character izes natur al resource, especially of oil a nd mining of precious metals. Therefore, we can sa y tha t
the power exerted on natural resour ces esta blishes a hier archy of states of the world economic power and living
standa rds of the population. Use of na tural r esources a s an effective weapon in the economic consolidation became
state policy and the expansion of explora tion and exploitation in foreign lands development of complex regulations
imposed interna tionally. Therefore, a thorough study of this field involves an analytical per spective of all dimensions
outlined in legisla tive terms, sta rting from the history a nd evolution of the Romanian legislation observation of foreign
law - specific sta tes with r elevant impact on the exploita tion of natural resources - a nd presentin g char acteristic of
Europea n law a nd interna tional la w. We a nalyze if both oil and mining concession concession covered by Directive
2004/17/EC and if we can identify a subset of works concession. We detail our study if this concession is a public works
concession, a ccording to the r ecognition of the public inter est as the determining criter ion administrative a nd
membership contracts.
Keywords: oil concession, mining concession, public-pr ivate pa rtnership.
JEL Classification: K23
1. The European legal framework of the oil and mining concession
Directive 2004/18/EC2 lists in Annex I the activities provided at art. 1 par. (2) b1) that
include under the category of „Constructions” also the preparation of mining sites. It is further
mentioned that class 45.12‚ „Drilling and boring” does however not include the drilling of oil or
natural gas wells. Class 45.12 also does not include services related to extracting oil and natural gas.
Directive 2004/17/EC3 includes in class 45.12 „drilling for oil or gas wells” and mining is
found in Annex XII of the same directive. According to art.1 par.(2) b) of Directive 2004/17/EC,
the object of the work contracts are one or more of the activities mentioned in Annex XII.
According to the same provisions, a work is the result of a set of construction works or civil
engineering works with its own economic or technical function.
Based on art.1 par.(3) a), conceding works represents a contract of works concession type,
the fact excepted, that the equivalent of the works consists in either the right to exploit that work, or
in that right accompanied by a price.
According to art.7 of Directive 2004/17/EC, the exploitation of a geographical region with
the aim of exploring for or extracting oil, coal, gas represent the very object of the directive.
Nevertheless, art.18 provides that the same directive is not applicable to concessions of works and
services assigned by contracting entities conducting one or more of the activities mentioned at art.
3-7, if these concessions are assigned for the activities under art.7, that concern exploring for and
extracting of oil.
In conclusion it can be maintained that both oil and mining concessions are regulated by
Directive 2004/17/EC and can be identified as a subcategory of works concession (although, as
shown above, the oil concession, even though regulated, is not the object of either of the two
directives). This study will discuss whether this concession is also a concession of public works,
1 Ctlina Georgeta Dinu - “ Transilvania” University of Braşov, Expert in Brasov Territorial Office of People’s Advocate,
2 Published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union 32004L0018;
3 Published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the European Union 32004L0017; For details, see Ctlin-Silviu Sraru, Contractele
administrative Reglementare, doctrin, jurispruden, C.H.Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2009, p.442-446;

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