Legal and Administrative Intricacies of the Romanian Healthcare Policies in the Field of the Human Organs Transplants

AuthorJuanita Goicovici
PositionAssistant Professor
Abstract: Objectives:
The a
adoption, on 7 July 2010, of
standards of quality and s
Romanian legal system the
introduced European standa
Directive 2010/
Administration for damages
themes, in the recent special
as well as that of organ tra
exploited issue, in contempo
the analysis of jurispruden
of the human o
transplantation. Results:
for informed consent in the
proposals. Implications:
human organs donations, l
Administrative Law, since th
of th e consumers of medica
national law to
the EU’s reg
standards of safety related
presentation of the new Eur
Keywords: administrative l
Acknowledgement: This w
Assistant Professor, PhD, “
400084, Romania. Tel.:
Legal and Administrative Intricacie
Romanian Healthcare Policies in the
the Human Organs Transplan
e article elaborates o n the intricacie
s brought on the Romania
of Directive 2010/45/EU of the European Parliament and of th
safety of human organs intended for transplantation, ra
question of rapidly adapting its regulations and p rocedures
dards, as well as the question of har monizing its essential l
0/45/EU provisions into national l aw.
Prior Work:
ges caused by unsafe transplant p rocedures represents one
ialized literature.
The problematic of
informed consent to org
traceability represents
an interesting, though insufficiently
porary Romanian Law.
The author applies, as rese
ence, doctrinal writing and legal provisions in force refe
n organs transplant and donations. The paper also
n standards of quality and safety of human organs
The “opting
-in –
opting out” dichotomy is d iscussed, as com
the field of organ donations. The author also formulates
The pap er interests legal practitioners confronted with the p
, law students, as well as
jurists specialized in Consum
the problematic of organ transplantation also reverberates on
ical ser vices.
The anal ysis insists on the degree of c
regulations when removing disparities on donor’s consent pro
ed to the transport of human organs. The paper is also e
uropean standards on the
National Register of living d o
rious adverse events.
aw; healthcare policies; organ transplants; organ donations; E
s work was supp orted by CNCSIS
-UEFISCSU, project
, “Babe
-Bolyai” University of Cluj-
Napoca, 1 Mihail Kogaln
+, fax: +
AUDJ, vol. VII, no.
cies of the
the Field of
nian Law by the
f the Council
raising for the
res to the newly
al legislation by
of Public
ne of the major
organ donations,
ly explored and
esearch method,
referring to the
the text of
s intended for
de lege ferenda
problematic of
umer Law and
n the protection
f co mpliance of
procedure or on
enriched by a
nors and on the
s; EU’s Law
mber PN II
alniceanu Street,
onding author:
, pp. 99-124
1. Introductory Comments
Reforming the Romanian healthcare system has never been proven to be an easy
task, especially in terms of pertinent legislation, medical mobility or financial
sustainability and the episodic attempts, such as the adoption of Law 95/2006 on
reformative measures in the field of public health, later modified, merely
represented modest steps for the Romanian Public Administration. On the other
side of the coin, the relative urgency of the healthcare reform, after EU’s
enlargement in 2007 by accepting Romania and Bulgaria, is currently doubled by
the provocation launched for the two new Member-states in terms of
approximation of legislation in the field of consumers of medical services’ rights,
under the frame of the European Union’s law. Recently, the urgency of political
decision and legislative innovation became more salient by the adoption, on 7 July
2010, of Directive 2010/45/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on
standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for transplantation
raising for the Romanian legal system the question of rapidly adapting its
regulation and procedures to the newly introduced European standards.
At the EU’s level, adopting Directive 2010/45/EU of the European Parliament and
of the Council on standards of quality and safety of human organs intended for
transplantation indubitably marks an important progress toward uniform high
standards of security in the mentioned area, while representing a provocation for
the Member States to modernize and harmonize national criteria of safety in the
field of organ transplants. The new European regulation brings a series of major
changes referring to the collecting of organs procedure, donor’s informed consent
and transport of human organs. For instance, the reporting system and management
concerning serious adverse events and reactions associated to the human organs
transplant are reformed, as to ensure common standards, applicable in all Member
States, along with a uniform procedure of organ traceability. Essential in the
economy of human organs transplants becomes the “characterization of donor’s”
procedure, seen as a preparatory stage, before transplantation, in which trained
medical personnel collects relevant data on the donor, respecting the two
informational settings offered in Annex A and B of the Directive discussed,
containing sets of essential minimum data, collected for each donation and of
complementary data to be collected in addition, based on the decision of the
Directive 2010/45/EU has been published in th e Official Journal o f the European Union L 207/14
from 6 August 2010.

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