Legal Instruments With An International Vocation That Regulate The Control Of Water Sediments

AuthorLidia-Lenuta Balan
PositionGeological Institute of Romania
PhD. Lidia-Lenuța BĂLAN1
The human being has been since the creation in full process of knowledge, of satisfying human needs but also of
wellness, which represented on the one hand a progress, and on the other hand, it represented a forced acceleration o f
his life on earth, a situation that has created an exhaustion of all that means environment, disturbing the natural balance
of nature and contributing to a significant degradation of environmental factors: atmosphere, water and soil. Water, as
an environmental factor, essential and indispensable for human existence for survival, knowledge, wellness and progress,
has become, in time, an exhaustible resource for the human being and the activities underta ken by it. Under the strong
effervescence of the pressure of exhaustion and degradation of water resources, by the deposition of dangerous substances
and materials, the necessity of creating new forms of constraint directed against those who disturb the natural balance
of water resources was realized. These new forms of constraint and preven tion of depletion of water resources, have
taken the form of legal instruments meant to solve the problems arising in the prevention, protection and mention of water
quality, but which will determine a sustainable progress for the population and for present and future generations.
Keywords: water protection, environmental degradation, water degradation, legal norms.
JEL Classification: K32, K33
1. Introduction
The degradation of the environment is at this moment one of the most controversial problems
facing humanity, in the situation where, since the advent of life on earth, the human factor through
its need to know, to satisfy its needs, its well-being and its. The excessive desire for progress did
nothing but bring serious consequences to the environment, largely depleting the environmental
factors: atmosphere, water, and soil2.
The environment can be observed that it has been degraded on the one hand, both by the
negative effects of the underdevelopment of society and by the negative effects generated by the
excessive progress desired by humanity, through its activities.
From the perspective of these negative effects, water, as an environmental factor, the essential
component for human existence, “represents the fundamental resource for the essence of life in order
to inflict and carry out all human activities, being used in food, agriculture, industry, services,
urbanism and transport. Once regarded as an inexhaustible and renewable resource, water has become
a depleting resource, an economic good, a commercial good necessary for the accomplishment and
infracting of human activities in the context of satisfying human needs and ensuring the existence of
mankind on earth. From the desire to satisfy human needs, to welfare, to accelerate life on earth and
to progress, mankind has had an exaggerated use of technology and anthropic activities for industrial
development that ultimately disrupted the balance of nature causing major damage environmental
“In this the desire for progress, the man through his ability to capitalize on his experience , to
continue to discover, to invent, to create, has proved apt and to transform the environment, being able
to realize benefits but also incalculable damages, when this power it is used abusively, without reason,
without human knowledge of nature, its laws and without strict observance of them”.4
“For a long time, ignoring the fact that the environment was transformed in a negative sense
1 Lidia-Lenuța Bălan - Geological Institute of Romania,
2 Kiss Alexander, International Environmental Law, Paris, Pedone, 1989, p. 10 et seq.; Jans John, European environmental law, second
revised edition, Europe law publishing, Groningen, 2000, p. 14.
3 Lidia-Lenuta Bălan, General reflections on the legal protection of waters in Romania, 6th SWS International Scientific Conference
Art and Humanities 2019, Conference Proceedings, Volume 6, Issue 2, ISBN 978-619-7408-96-6, DOI:10.5593/SWS. ISCAH.2019.2,
p. 38.
4 Corneliu Răuţă, Stelian Cârstea, Prevenirea şi combaterea poluării solului, Ceres Publishing House, Bucharest, 1983, p. 14.

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