Law and Morals. Prolegomena (I)

AuthorNicolae V. Dura
PositionProfessor, PhD, Vice-rector of the 'Ovidius' University of Constanta, Romania, 1 University Alley (Campus, Building A)
In the pages of t
between what is just and in j
but also about the relation be
historical process of the eme
Law has evolved step by ste
the conclusion that the positi
nature. In fact, from an onto
since the notions of “righteou
the theory of juridical posit
Morals since the state is th
philosophical and from a ju
philosophers and jurists of
adequately and, ipso facto,
international and European le
juridical norms;
A work entitled „Testam
   
„knowledge”, as only t
acquire „wisdom” (
which – in its turn –
is n
this sense, in the case
gained by a painstaking
that the human spirit ha
Professor, PhD, Vice-
(Campus, Building A), t
Le Testament en Galilée
Law and Morals. Prolegomena
Nicolae V. DUR
f this study we have emphasized the relation between Law
in just, talkin
g thus not only about the nature of the Law and o
between the juridical no rms and the moral principles. An eva
mergence of Law and Morals
– be it brief –
has enabled us to n
step from th e Moral norms and from the customs of a moral
sitive juridical norms should also express, in their content, valu
ntological poi
nt of view, between Law and Morals could not
eousness” and of “justice” themselves are categories of Morals
sitivism, accordi ng to which the rule o f Law can exist in th
the only source of Law, has no credibility both from a h
juridical point of view.
Finally, the increasingly higher in
of our time to perceive and exp
ress the content of the na
o, the relation between this one and Morals, was also deter
n legislation regarding the human fundamental rights and libert
moral principles; human rights
tamentum Domini”
   !!!-!∀-
    
-     # ∃ %
y the ones who shall pursue „the justice” (k
. Therefore, „wisdom” is condition
ed by
is not possible without „gnosis” (science) and „know
se of Law, too, these „gnosis” and ”knowledge” c
ing study of this field, and, ipso facto, of the jurid
has created from the antiquity up to our days.
tor of the “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania
, 1
phone: +40241-551773, +40241-511000/326.
de Notre
Seigneur Jesus Chris/The testament in our Galilee,
AUDJ, vol. VII, no.
No. 2/2011
ena (I)
aw and Morals,
d of the M orals,
valuation of the
to no
tice that the
al nature, hence
alues of a moral
ot be a divorce,
rals. That is why
the absenc
e of
a historical and
r interest of the
nature of Law
termined by the
 
) and in
 ) shall
by „justice”,
nowledge”. In
can only be
ical Sciences
y Alley
ponding author:
1982, p. 149.
, pp. 158-173
During the antiquity numerous law systems have emerged (the Babilonian, the
Egyptian, the Jewish, the Chinese one etc.), but none of them had succeeded in
creating a unitary system of concepts that would have enabled the expression of a
juridical thinking and language different from the common language.
Consequently, „the juridical thinking of the peoples of the antiquity did not create
their own juridical concepts and it was not able to approach the systematic and
precise elaborations of the Roman Law, moreover, it could not exert any influence
on the general evolution of the juridical ideas and institutions. In regard to all the
systems of law in the antiquity, the Roman Law can be distinguished by the fact
that it has created the basic elements of the juridical alphabet, by means of which
the norms of law acquire an identity different from that of other social norms”.
(Molcu, 2002, p. 11)
However, the juridical thinking and expression owes to the Roman Law not only its
own identity in relation to other social-humanistic sciences, but also the genesis of
some present juridical concepts (for example, the concept of contractual obligation,
of delictual obligation, the contract etc.), by means of which the juridical thinking
of the society of our days can be expressed and due to which we can talk about a
distinction between „sein” (what exists) and „sollen” (what should be). In this
sense, we must see if, as regards the meaning of the two realities, „sein” and
„sollen”, we are only dealing with an indicative or with an imperative of a
preeminently juridical nature, devoid of any religious-moral content.
„Taking a look at the historical process of the emergence of law, we shall notice
that law has evolved step by step from the moral norms and customs. In this sense
– a distinguished theoretician of law specified – the morals precede the law” (Popa,
1998, p. 142). The same theoretician evinced the fact that the relation between law
and morals „raises the problem of establishing the criteria on the basis of which a
certain relation passes from the moral regulation to a juridical one” (Popa, 1998,
p. 142). How this passage is done and what consequences or effects this has was
not yet specified to us – in an explicit manner – by the specialized literature, given
the fact that some theoreticians, who are usually enslaved to their own ideological
orientation, do not usually have a right image of the content of moral norms, which
are always conditioned by the relation between the Divinity and the Man. At last,
we should say that any image that distorts the relation between Law and Morals
leads to the fact that both the fundaments of the moral legitimacy of the positive
juridical regulations and the criterion regarding the manner in which the human

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