The development of moral judgement during childhood and pre-adolescence in the Romanian setting

AuthorCocorada, E. - Cazan, A. M.
PositionDepartment of Psychology, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov Vol. 4 (53) No. 1 - 2011
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law
Abstract: The moral development is a classical topic, but still insufficiently
investigated in the recent studies in Romania. Our study aimed to compare
the results obtained by Piaget regarding the child’s moral development with
the child’s moral development corresponding to the recent cultural
Romanian setting. The research method is mixed, qualitative and
quantitative. The clinical interview and the short stories were designed after
Piaget’s model. Our findings suggest the existence of the same clasical stages
of moral development, but identify numerous mixed profiles that highlight the
oscillations of the moral judgments for amoral children and submissive pre-
Key words: moral development, mixed profiles, amoral children.
1 Department of Psychology, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
In Piaget’s works there have been
identified distinctive elements concerning
the novelty of the research methodology
and of the results concerning some
characteristics of the cognitive and moral
development of the child: the egocentrism,
the difficulty to synthesize, or the
transductive thinking seen as week points
as compared to adult rationality. The issues
of communication between the adult and
the child, between the formal and the
hidden curriculum for the pre-school and
primary school levels are seen as side
effects, which make some educational
practices of the times be questionable [22].
The moral development had been studied
and presented by J. Piaget in his work The
Moral Judgement of the Child [23]. The
author claims that the development of the
moral judgement takes place in certain
stages, and he identifies the motor and
individual stage, the egocentric stage, the
progressive egalitarianism stage, and the
moral autonomy stage. The path of moral
development is given by the progressive
transition from the heteronomous morality,
of submission to rules, to the reciprocal
autonomous morality.
The stage of heteronomous morality
corresponds to the egocentric morality,
being chronologically determined by the
ages of 4/5-7/8 years old, a stage in which
the child encounters difficulties in judging
the point of view of the others. His way of
thinking is dictated by the moral realism, a
mixture of physical and moral rules, where
deeds are not judged by the intention of
their authors, but by their appropriation to
the physical truth, and the moral rule is

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