Intellectual property: an instrument to achieve the budget deficit target

AuthorGabor, S.
PositionPhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Series V: Economic Sciences
Simona GABOR
Abstract: The latest Commission Con vergence Report about the progress
made by the Member States in fulfilling their ob ligations regar ding the
achievement of economic and monetary union highlights tha t Romania does
not fulfil the conditions for the a doption of the eur o. Further more, Romania
is at present the subject of Council Decision o n the existence of a n excessive
deficit. The aim of this paper is to point out the weight of Intellectua l
Proper ty in achieving economic gr owth and, consequently, its role in
decreasing the national budget d eficit. Analysing the information in the field,
we conclude that Intellectu al Pr operty is a crucia l contributor to economic
growth and competitiveness, especially in fields of technology.
Key words: convergence cr iteria, intellectual pro perty, economic gr owth,
budget deficit.
1 PhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the euro is not the currency
of all EU Member States. Before a
Member State can adopt the euro, it must
meet certain conditions. These conditions,
also known as ”convergence criteria” (or
“Maastricht criteria”), are formally defined
as a set of macroeconomic indicators
which include: price stability, to show that
inflation is controlled; soundness and
sustainability of public finances, through
limits on government borrowing and
national debt to avoid excessive deficit;
exchange-rate stability and long-term
interest rates. Besides, the economic
convergence criteria are designed to ensure
that a Member State’s economy is
sufficiently prepared for the adoption of
the single currency and can integrate
smoothly into the monetary regime of the
euro area.
Literature reveals that intellectual
property (IP) has an important role in
economy. Moreover, IP is regarded as a
crucial contributor to economic growth and
competitiveness, especially in fields of
technology. [3] Based on these
considerations, we aim to analyze the
issues related to the fulfilment of
Romania’s budget deficit through the
efficient use of IP rights (IPRs), which
enhance national economy.
2. Economic Approaches of Intellectual
Property Rights
Intellectual property is the primary
resource for value creation in almost all
industries. It has come to hold a very
important status in society and in our lives.

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