The Integrative Dimension of the Economic Globalization in European Space

AuthorMariana Daniela Alexandrache, Aida Mariana Cimpeanu
Globalization and Cultural Diversity
Globalization and Cultural Diversity
The Integrative Dimension of the Economic
Globalization in European Space
Daniela Mariana Alexandrache
, Mariana Aida Cîmpeanu
Danubius University of Galati,
Danubius University of Galati, Department of International European Studies, aidacimpeanu@univ-
Abstract: We believe that globalizati on and its socio-economic implications of the worl d and world economic
crisis is one of the most debated issues from several years. The publication "The Economis t’’ named
globalization as the most used word of the century. The m ost relevant dimension of globalization is the
economy with t he more dynamic factors: technological development, the hegemony of liberal conceptions
(closely linked to the triumph of the ideology of market economy) and exp losive development of countri es or
regions. Economic globalization has manifested a series of visible eff ects such as: the emergence of new
markets and foreign trade (interconnected at globa l level), the a ppearance of: transnational c ompanies,
multilateral agreements on trade, broadening the scope of WTO, transformation of multinational companies in
transnational companies and the emergence of global economic markets. Regionally, we noticed that the trend
of concentration of economic activity is more pronounced and advanced in the European continent. Expanding
globalization in Europe was achieved because of the fall of communism, and the neoliberal reformation which
took place in Western European countries. Events like the fa ll of the Berlin Wall, followed by the fall of
communism eradicated man y political, economic, religious or cultural barriers. There were born new relations
between state and mar ket, public and private. E uropean Union is, in our view, a regional office of
globalization, r epresenting the best performing integrative system in the world (by creating free trade area,
customs union, common market, the Economic and Monetary Union). In terms of the European Commission,
European model is a third way towards globalization, a middle path between protectionism and uncontrolled
economy. To understand why the EU is an advanced ap proximation of globalization, perhaps a regional model
of globa lization, we must first understand the link b etween globalization and regional integration. Regional
integration can be considered a preparatory step toward a global system, showing the need to solve the
problem of sovereignty disposals as a member attribute manager.
Keywords: globalization; Economic globalization; European Union; regional integration
1. Introduction
Globalization and its socio-economic implications on our world, is one of the most debated topics on
Earth, in the last years. Much has been written about this subject by a large number of economists,
politicians, sociologists, psychologists which have presented thousands of comments, interpretations,
assumptions, forecasting, in countless editorials or magazines, and have been given many definitions
and explanations. Any time there is a risk of producing a blockage of understanding of what is actually

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