The European Citizens? Initiative - Participatory Democracy in the European Union

AuthorMihaela Carausan
PositionNational School of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration
The Europe
National School of Political Stu
A new democratic to
allow one million European Unio
The ECI co uld thus create a new
purpose of the paper is to analy
citizens’ initiative. At the level
democratic initiative o f the peop
Austria, Hungary, Italy, Latvia,
Netherlands. These init
iatives d
procedures. Because at EU leve
citizens’ initiative and the probl
few conditions which we intend t
Keywords: common interests;
1. Background
xactly 50 years after it came
(Cărăuşan, 2011)
union, a union of the
people of E
In article 3 of the Treaty of European U
opean Citizens’ Initiative
emocracy in the European Union
Mihaela Cărăuşan
Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Publ
arest, Romania,
tool, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI), starting with
nion (EU) citizens to ask the European Commission to propos
ew space
inside the EU policy-
making machine for ordinary
alyse the early implementation of the Treaty of Lisbon provi
el of the European Union, member states in their fundamenta
ople. The following Member States have citizens’ initiatives
ia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia
s differ considerably in scope and generally operate accor
evel, there is no experience to build upon this, we will ana
blems which occurred in practice. So,
the citizens’ initiative
d to discover and unveil in a comparative study with the natio
active citizenship
; European democracy on-line;
European Un
gration was taken when six countries (Belgium, the
bourg and the Netherlands) set up a common mar
an Coal and Ste
el Community Treaty (ECSC) in Pa
World War, was to secure peace between Europe
erating within shared institutions. This treaty expir
e into effect. Economic areas became the focu
the six ECSC members agreed to establish the
ropean Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)
U have been identified in the Treaty of Rome estab
will to eliminate the barriers which divide Europe
of Europe.
After almost 60 years of existence, the
f existence and establishes as objectives
the well
values and interests and contribute to the prot
Union as it was modified after Lisbon (ex article 2 of TEU).
Legal Sciences
ublic Administration,
ith April 2012, will
pose EU legislation.
ry EU citizens. The
ovisions concerning
laws set up the
es at national level:
nia, Spain and The
cording to different
analyze the national
ve must accomplish
tional initiative.
Union values
the Federal Republic of
arket in coal and steel,
Paris in 1951. The aim,
’s nations. It brought
pired on 23 July 2002,
ocus for supranational
e European Economic
Treaties of Rome.
tablishing the EEC and
pe by creating a closer
he European Union re
-being of its peoples
tion of its citizens. The

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