Cultural marketing in Europe and its impact on literature. Case study: Sylvia Plath

AuthorPipos, C. - Funaru, M.
PositionPhD. Student, Dept. of Marketing, Tourism and International Relations, Transilvania University of Brasov - Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Series V: Economic Sciences
Abstract: The pr esent article a ims to discu ss th e impa ct of ma rketing
techniques on cultur e. Nowa days, not only goods ar e sold but idea s, images,
feelings become available for tra ding. Still, it is not easy for culture to
compete again st other fields and sell its goods. As it is, cultura l ma rketing is
promoting all tha t is related to verbal communication, cultur e and arts. In
order to under stand the impact of mar keting in the 20th century on culture
we chose one of the poets that under stood the importa nce of crea ting a
cultural product that sells Sylvia Plath a nd studied her beliefs on selling
Key words: cultural marketing, cultur e, cultura l services, poetr y,
1 PhD. Student, Dept. of Marketing, Tourism and International Relations, Transilvania University of Braşov.
2 Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University.
1. Introduction. What is culture?
Culture is any product of thought and
activity of human that is becoming a
common good for society. It includes all
tangible and intangible products of human
beings. Culture refers to the symbols and
values that are socially transmitted.
Taylor (1871, p.1) defines culture as “the
whole complex which includes knowledge,
beliefs, art, morals, law, customs and any
other capabilities and habits acquired by
individuals of a society”.
Any culture includes different systems of
values. Still, values are among the essential
components of a culture. (Adler, 1997, p. 15)
Furthermore, in general, culture
represents the whole legacy of a company
passed by word of mouth, writing or other
forms of communication, and ways of life
and thinking of society which are
transmitted from generation to generation.
The culture reflects the human side of the
economic environment. It is a collection of
related behavioural and learning
characteristics that are shared by members
of society. (Sasu, C-tin., „Al. I. Cuza”
University of Iaşi)
Culture has two components: material
culture (concrete and tangible creations)
and non-material culture (ideas,
knowledge, opinions, values, norms,
symbols, language, and gestures).
There are three main types of culture:
Popular culture - is typical of traditional
and rural societies. On its level, it is
formed and it develops the language of
each community, its common knowledge
of the world. All the information the
community has becomes all the basic
mythology of the community (which

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