Human Rights in the Context of Cultural Diversity

AuthorEmilian Ciongaru
PositionAssociate researcher, PhD, Institute of Legal Research 'Acad. Andrei Radulescu' of the Romanian Academy, Romania
Human Rights
The human rights unde
considered as universal –
they apply
exist in two ways: as natural or leg
rights doctrine in the international pr
the state policies and the activities o
from all over the world regardless
manage the ethnic-
cultural commun
separation a nd not to
the reu nion o
factors whereas the a ffective spiritua
this purpose, s erving justice having
on the social feelings of humanity.
cultural diversity; human
ct an internal and internationa
rights and liberties.
Despite all these, the concept of
specific to the 20
century, but it i
s n
the gu
arantee by the state of the soci
The idea of human rights
goes dow
universal human righ
ts (Malcom, 20
Associate researcher, PhD,
Institute of Le
Address: 13th September Ave
nue, corp B
Universal Declaration of Human Righ
10 December 1948 at
Palais de Chaillot, Par
European Convention on Human
Fundamental Freedoms
) is an international
1950 by the then newly formed
Council of
Legal Sciences in the New
hts in the Context of Cultural Diversity
Emilian Ciongaru
nderstood in the sense of fundamental inalienable rights are
ply to everything and egalitarian
they are the same for all and
legal ri ghts, both in the
national and international legislation. T
l practice within the international law, the global and regional insti
s of non
-governmental organizations was a corner ston
e of publi
ess of peoples’ cultures.
At world level, cult ural diversity whi
unities living on the t erritory of a s tate often contributes, in fa
of peoples, the ideological and political factors acting rather a
itual connection exists only between the states having deep simila
ng as a goal the pres
ervation of human rights is also affected sinc
an rights; serving justice; national authorities; fundamental liberti
en noted in
that were and are officially
national or international authorities (Andreescu &
rvance, but also by allegedly democratic authorities w
nal policy for the permanent violation of some funda
human rights
apparently creates the impression that
s not absolutely new in the history of mankind.
planetary conception taking into account the world in
international political and economic order based on ju
economic and cultural conditions that allow ever
the implementation of civil and political rights is not po
own to ancient times such
as 300 B. C. when in the
y Zeno the idea that each individual is entitled t
and their respect as a person took shape. In antiquity,
2008, pp. 45
did not exist, however the antique s
Legal Research “Acad. Andrei Radulescu” of the Romanian Ac
B, 4th floor, Sector 5, 050711 Bucharest, Romania
Tel.: +40
(UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the
United Nations Gen
Paris. The Declaration arose di rectly from the experience of the S
rights to which all human beings are inherently entitled.
(ECHR) (formally the
Convention for the Protection of H
al treaty to protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms in
of Europe, the conv
ention entered into force on 3 September 195
onvention a nd new m embers are expected to ratify the c onvent
New Millennium
re therefore
nd they may
. T he human
stitutions, in
blic policies
hich should
fact, to the
r as division
ilarities. For
ince it relies
lly accepted and
& Puran, 2012)
s which, in fact,
damental human
hat it is an issue
justice aimed at
verybody to fully
t possible.
he Greek
to ask for the
y, the concept of
e societies had a
Academy, Romania,
40 021/318 81 30
eneral Assembly
Second World War
Human Rights and
Europe. Drafted in
953. All Council of
ention at the ear liest

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