History, Culture, Peace: Rumi Mevlana
Author | Alina Chesca |
Pages | 481-485 |
Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Communication Science
History, Culture, Peace: Rumi Mevlana
Alina Beatrice Cheşcă1
Abstract: Along the history, for so many centu ries, Rumi Mawlana – perhaps the most loved mystical
poet of all times – has been alive and talking to people of all cultures through the language of love, peace,
faith and true kindness. This remarkable man has always transcended the boundaries of time, space, race,
religion, considering that “Love is the very meaning of creation and life”. It would not be an exaggeration
to assert that the history of humankind would have been a paradise if human beings had followed such
principles like peace, love and u nderstanding. Rumi Mawlana created a splendid, humanitarian and
universal type of art, culture and mentality; his message is God’s message to humankind: friendship,
hope, generosity, peace, beauty, in one word: Love and happiness in all forms. Thus, he used his huge
poetic talent not only in order to touch people’s hearts, but also to reach the most splendid goal of the
human race: that of making people more sensitive to the eternal and most important human values.
Keywords: Sufism; God; peace; love; faith; poetry; creation
Motto: “In compassion and grace be like the sun.”
(Rumi Mevlana)
Rumi Mevlana may be considered one of the most important representatives of love and peace, being
a great spiritual teacher from whom mankind should learn essential things about life, humanity, true
faith, acceptance and tolerance. He is one of the most loved poets both in the East and West. However,
in the 18th century, very little was known about Rumi and Sufism in Europe and America. Since then,
well-known Western scholars have brought their contributions to making this spiritual leader and
mystical poet famous in their countries and abroad.
Peter H. Cunz said that “to write about Rumi and his contributions today is sending a drop of water
into the ocean.” (Rumi and His Sufi Path of Love, 2011, p. 92). He considered that Mevlana “was far
more than a poet and far more than a mystic. He is a holy man whose spirit illuminates the hearts of
his followers even today.” (Peter Cunz, op. cit, p. 95).
At the end of the 18th century, J. de Wallenbourg – who was a French ambassador living in Istanbul –
translated Masnavi into French, but unfortunately, it was burnt by the fire in 1799. Joseph Hammer
was a very appreciated Austrian orientalist who knew Turkish, Arabic and Persian and translated the
Divan by Hafiz into German. He considered that Masnavi by Rumi should be read by all lovers of
Sufism, from India to Turkey. Hammar wrote about Divan-I Kabir:
1 Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Communication and International Relations “Danubius” University of Galati,
Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Galati 800654, Romania, Tel.: +40 372361102, Corresponding author: alina.chesca@univ-
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