Globalization and its Impact on Contemporary Culture

AuthorAlexandru-Corneliu Arion
PositionDeacon Lecturer PhD, Chair of History and Philosophy of Religions, Faculty of Theology, 'Valahia'University, Târgoviste, Romania
Globalization and Cultural Diversity
Globalization and its Impact on Contemporary Culture
Alexandru-Corneliu Arion
Abstract: For the last decades, the contemporary society is fussed, inter alia, by globalization. Globalization
has inevitably a cultural dimension and a religious one. More than material indicators, the cultural factor can
be considered a pivotal one to globalization. The main features of global culture are: lack of memory,
universality, uniform technical basis, lack of historical background. There is nowadays a globalization of
culture in the sense of complex connexity. Globalization is examined in relation to economy, to technologies
(especially with the computerized ones). However, in its essence, globalization renders the state of our world
in its entirety. And what this process reveals to us is the fact that man became truly homo universalae. The
cultural dimension of globalization is unquestionable and more th an material coordinates it can be considered
a fundamental one of globalization. Globalization lies is the center of modern culture; there are cultural
practices which affect the way we understand what culture really means in the modern world. In the context
of globalizing scale discussions, the question is whether global modernity gives us a global culture as well.
That because many concede that such a culture does not yet exist and probably will never exist. However, it
can be ar gued that there is already such a culture, as anthropologist Ulf Hannerz expressed it already in the
Keywords: globalization; culture; society; identity; trends; politics, economy
1. Preliminaries
The world we live in is still so strongly rooted in hedonistic materialism. In such world, man devoid
of roots (Popescu, 2001), has become estranged from God and the idolatry of consumption along
with ideologies is the leitmotif of everyday life. Likewise, inclination towards the bodily, the desert of
passions and the pride that disfigure human face distort the lives of many. (The passage of the
European world, from medieval to the modern era or the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century
entailed considerable mutations on the European culture scene. From God the focus has shifted to
human, from Theology passed on to science and from spiritual values has moved to material ones, as
so many expressions of secular culture.) The autonomous man, proclaimed by the Enlightenment, is
imagining himself alone in the world with his powers which, in the long run prove to be nothing but
impotencies of late outcome and only this delay may explain the illusion that blind, in all ages, the
mighty men of the world. (B)
For a while now, the contemporary world is worried, inter alia, of globalization. Outstanding
intellectuals, from Alvin Toffler (The Third Wave), to Francis Fukuyama (The End of History), Jürgen
Habermas (Theory of communicative action) and Marshall McLuhan (Global Village) have placed the
phenomenon in the ideological movement or information progress area, into knowledge-based
society. In Romania, the discussion reached to the point especially under Euro-Atlantic integration
form, minorities and privatization becoming the headlines of public life.
1 Deacon Lecturer PhD
Romania, Address:   Romania, Tel.: +40 0245 206101/ fax + 40 0245 217 692. Corresponding

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