Full effectivness of European Union's Policies

AuthorLamya-Diana Al-Kawadri
PositionYoung Researcher, Centre for Legal, Economic and Socio-Administrative Studies, 'Nicolae Titulescu' University, Bucharest, Romania
LESIJ NO. XX, VOL. 2/2013
Lamya-Diana AL-KAWADRI
One of the conditions for the adoption of legal instruments in the field of criminal law is to ensure the
effectiveness of their indispensability Union policies. European Court of J ustice has tried to ensure the full
effectiveness of criminal law by proposing the adoption of some criminal tools. The study aims to obser ve
some criteria to deter mine the full effectiveness, where it exisst and to present some defendpolicies by which
the Member-States should be guided.
Keywords: EU policies, principle of effectiveness, lack, fight against criminality at all
levels inside each member-state.
According to Article 83 of TFEU, The European Par liament and the Council may, by
means of directives adopted in accordance with the ordinar y legislative pro cedure, esta blish
minimum rules concerning the definition of cr iminal offences and sanctions in the a reas of
particula rly serious crime with a cross-border dimension resulting from the na ture or impact of
such offences or from a specia l need to combat them on a common basi s. EN C 83/80 Official
Journa l of the European Union 30.3.2010.
Same article establishes the areas of crime where minimum rules regarding a definition is
needed: terrorism, trafficking in human beings and sexual exploitation of women an d children,
illicit d rug trafficking, illicit arms trafficking, money laundering, corruption, counterfeiting of
means of payment, computer crime and organised crime.
Furthermore, same article says th at if the approximation of criminal la ws and r egulations
of the Member States pr oves essential to ensure the effective implementation of a Union policy
in an area which has been subject to harmonisation measures, directives may establish
minimum rules with regard to the definition of criminal offencesand sanctions in the area
Regarding these provisions that TFEU underlines, the Commission has made some
proposals for a Council Framework Decision in some criminal areas.
Because any legislative proposal f rom the Commission to the Council and European
Parliament is accompanied by an impact study, we will try to highlight how these proposals for a
framework decision/directive would reflect the necessity of adopting the legislative act.
European Commission defines impact assessment as a set of logical steps which helps the
Commission to do this. It is a process that prepa res evidence for political decision -makers on the
advantages a nd disadvantages of possible policy options by assessing their potential impact.
The Commission also mentions that the most effective way of improving the quality of new
policy pr oposals is by making those people who ar e resp onsible for policy development also
responsible for assess ing the impact of what they propose.
Young Researcher, Centre for Legal, Economic and Socio-Administrative Studies, “Nicolae Titulescu”
University, Bucharest, Romania. This paper is part of a broader research activity which is carried out under
the CNCSIS PN II Contract no.27/2010 (e-mail: av.ldk.ro@gmail.com).

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