Features of implementation of international norms on financing of terrorism in Azerbaijan

AuthorHeydar Gambarov
PositionDepartment of International Law, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan, gambarovheydar@gmail.com.
Features of implementation of international norms
on financing of terrorism in Azerbaijan
Associate professor Heydar GAMBAROV1
The contribution is devoted to the descr iption of featur es of national implementation
of trea ty obligations of Azerbaijan according to the UN Convention for the Suppression of
the Fin ancing Terrorism. The basis of resea rch is presented by the Law of the Republic of
Azerbaija n “On the Prevention of the Legalization of Criminally Obtained Funds or Other
Property and the Financing of Terrorism”. The author pays attention to the next aspects:
1) differences between approaches o f nationa l legislation and trea ty obligations; 2) modern
challenges that might have impact on the efficiency of implementation of interna tional
norms on suppression of the financing of terror ism.
Keywords: Azerbaijan, implementation, treaty obligations, counter action to criminality,
financing of terror ism.
JEL Classification: K14, K33
1. Introduction
Important stage in the development of the domestic mechanism to combat
the financing of terrorism was the adoption of the Law of the Republic of
Azerbaijan No. 767-IIIQ of 10.02.2009 on countering the legalization of money or
other property obtained through criminal means and the financing of terrorism
(hereinafter - the Law of Azerbaijan on financing of terrorism)2. Its provisions
helped improve the legal, institutional and organizational framework for countering
money laundering and financing of terrorism. In this context, it is advisable to
characterize its provisions in the context of compliance at the domestic level with
the requirements of Azerbaijan's obligations under the UN Convention against the
Financing of Terrorism of 09.12.19993.
1 Gambarov Heydar - Department of International Law, Baku S tate University, Baku, Azerbaijan,
2       , 
 ,   :    
767-IIIQ  10.02.2009  (On Counteracting the Legalization of Monetary Funds or Other Illegally
Grown Property and the Financing of Terrorism: Law of the Republic o f Azerbaijan No. 767-IIIQ
of February 10, 2009). The document is available online at: http://base.spinform.ru/show_doc.fw
x?rgn=24 582, consulted on 1.09.2018.
3       : . 54/109   
09.12.1999  (International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism: Res.
54/109 UN GA dated 09.12.1999). The document is available online at: http://www.un.org/
ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/terfin.shtml, consulted on 1.09.2018.

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