The 'E'-Factor of the Educational System: The Electronic Platform

AuthorNechifor, A. - Purcaru, M.A.P.
PositionFaculty of Letters, Transilvania University of Brasov - Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013
Abstract: As part of a modern approach towards any (distance) learning
system, the electronic platform has started being acknowledged as a useful
and valid teaching instrument. The present paper focused on gathering and
interpreting data relevant for this assertion, as well as on establishing which
factors can influence the possible ascension of an e-platform to the position
of a central didactic tool in any future core curricula design. A survey was
conducted by the authors on participants in a European project on
professional reconversion and the findings both confirm and challenge the
assumptions and expectations of the two researchers.
Key words: e-learning platform, English, Mathematics, didactic tool,
questionnaire, professional reconversion, distance learning
1 Faculty of Letters, Transilvania University of Braşov.
2 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
“Challenging knowledge” [2] even by
means of using an e-learning platform for
the teaching-learning-assessment process
has become a modern didactic means
nowadays. But has it also become a
“must”? Or is it just a new trend according
to which a professor can score high when
evaluated on the basis of using or not
modern teaching aids or instruments? To
what extent has the e-learning platform
implemented itself as a necessity at a
university level [4] and how much of its
perception depends on different factors,
such as: age of students/professors,
minimal skills in using electronic
communication on both sides, willingness
to adapt to new techniques and instruments
of efficient communication between
professors and their students and vice
versa, etc.?
2. Purpose and methodology
This study aims at answering these
research questions, gathering data from a
survey conducted by the authors of the
paper on a number of students participating
in the “Professional training of teachers in
the pre-university education system for
new opportunities in career development”,
contract number POSDRU/57/1.3/S/32629
project, a European project of professional
reconversion, which was designed as a
distance learning process, consequently
which used specific instruments for this,
one of which was an e-learning platform.
The relevance of the findings which came
as a result of the quantitative and
qualitative analysis of the answers
provided by the subjects interrogated is
high as the students belong, as well as the
authors of paper, to two very different
teaching backgrounds: one of them teaches

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