Face-To-Face with Terrorism: Experience of Kosovo
Author | Ylber Aliu, Nagip Skenderi |
Pages | 13-21 |
Legal Sciences in the New Millennium
Legal Sciences in the New Millennium
Face-To-Face with Terrorism: Experience of Kosovo
Ylber Aliu1, Nagip Skenderi2
Abstract: One of the main problems of Kosovo today is facing with the phenomenon of extremism and violent
religious radicalism. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of radicalization and violent
religious extremism in Kosovo and confronting of the state and our society with this phenomenon. Paper records
were collected from various sources, such as reports, publications, and analysis of state institutions, civil society,
and religious organizations. Conclusion of the paper is that, facing o f Kosovo with extremism and violent
religious radicalization that leads to terrorism, viewed from the perspective of short-term is a success story
because the number of Kosovars who came to join terrorist organizations in Syria, after the adoption of law and
strategy, is zero; however, there is no room for enthusiasm because, Kosovo remains a hotbed of individuals
and groups with extremist and radical orientation.
Keywords: Kosovo; extremism; radicalism; terrorism confrontation
1. Introduction
The main thesis of this paper is that, facing of Kosovo with extremism and violent religious
radicalization that leads to terrorism, viewed from the perspective of short-term is a success story
because the number of Kosovars who came to join terrorist organizations in Syria, after the adoption of
law and strategy, is zero; however, there is no room for enthusiasm because, Kosovo remains a hotbed
of individuals and groups with extremist and radical orientation.
This is not the only problem of Kosovo. In fact, Kosovo faces an extremism and violent ethnic
radicalism, especially in the northern part of the country where they continue to operate parallel
structures of Serbia. Kosovo faces a significant level of unemployment and poverty. It is the only Balkan
country that still use visas for its citizens to travel to EU member countries. However, these problems
will not be elaborated in this paper. In this paper, we have chosen to treat the phenomenon of extremism
and violent radicalization of Islamic religion. Why are we defined to treat these topic? We are defined
for this topic because it is a new topic and still untreated as other topics are treated. Also to a great extent
the story of extremism and violent religious radicalism in Kosovo is a success discreet story. It is
prevented getting of Kosovars in Syria, but the activity of individuals and groups with conviction and
radical extremist activity in the country is still present.
1 European Coll ege of Kosovo, Republic of Kosovo, Gustav Meyer, Address: Prishtinë, Republic of Kosovo, Tel.: +381 38
222828, Corresponding author: ylber.a.aliu@live.com.
2 Hasan P rishtina University, Republic of Kosovo, Address: Prishtinë 10000, Republic of Kosovo, E-mail:
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