The enforcement issues in the period 2013-2018 of the social protection measures for collective dismissal

AuthorAna Vidat
PositionLaw Department, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Lawyer, member of the Bucharest Bar Association, Romania
Lecturer Ana VIDAT
1, PhD.
Given the curren t economic climate, it has become imperative for socia l protection of people redu ndant to
adopt ur gent measur es to mitigate th e social impact of the plans for layoffs. Immediate actions as those above evident
are based on the need to continue the economic r ecovery in a ccordance with the strategies in th e field, to comply with
state aid rules, to achieve the objectives of improving the activity of domestic companies, companies national or
companies owned by the state, as well as companies a nd self subordina te local authorities.
Keywords: the ind ividual employment contract; the collective employment contract; collective dismissal; economic
operators; completing monthly income.
JEL Classification: K31
I. Introductory issues
The legal settlement of collective redundancy is a necessity in the market economy.
Under the Directive 98/95/EC on the approximation of laws of the Member States in relation
to collective redundancies2 in the context of national legal rules of the common law on this matter3
is contained in: Labour Code4 (art. 68-74) Government Emergency Ordinance No. 98/1999 on
social protection of persons whose individual employment contracts will be terminated as a
consequence of collective redundancies5.
In addition to the common law system, the legislature has adopted some special
Thus, on social protection measures when people made redundant through collective
redundancies under a redundancy plan, within national societies, autonomous, national companies
and companies with majority state, national research institutes development and autonomous
subordinate companies and local authorities, economic operators referred to as their exceptional
effect of the common law of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 36/20137.
1 Ana Vidat - Law Department, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Lawyer, member of the Bucharest Bar Association,
2 Published in the “Official Journal of the European Union” (OJEU) no. 225 of 12 August 1998.
3 See on collective redundancies, Şerban Beligrdeanu, Consideraii în legtur cu msurile de protecie reglementate prin
Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr. 9/1997, in “Revista de drept comercial”, no. 5/1997, p. 80-91; Gheorghe Bdic, Soluii de
principiu privind aplicarea Ordonanei de urgen a Guvernului nr. 9/1997, in “Raporturi de munc” no. 7/1997, p. 5 4-56; Magda
Volonciu, Raluca Dimitriu, Reglementri privind concedierea colectiv, in “Raporturi de munc”, no. 11/1998, p. 34-43; Şerban
Beligrdeanu, Legislaia muncii, comentat, vol. XXXII (vol. 2/1999), p. 105-108; Alexandru iclea, Concedierea colectiv, Lumina
Lex, Bucharest, 2001; Alexandru iclea, Concedierea colectiv – o nou reglementare, in “Revista de drept comercial” no. 9/1999,
p. 50-63; Ovidiu inca, Dreptul muncii. Relaiile colective, Lumina Lex, Bucharest, 2004, p. 250-281; Unele observaii referitoare la
procedura concedierii colective, in „Dreptul”, no. 7/2005, p. 69-77; Andrei Popescu, Recentele modificri ale Codului muncii şi
dreptul social comunitar , in “Revista român de dreptul muncii”, no. 3/2005, p. 36-39; Alexandru Athanasiu, Lumina Dima, Dreptul
muncii, All Beck, Bucharest, 2005, p. 140-146; Ion Traian Ştefnescu, Tratat teoretic şi practic de drept al muncii, Universul Juridic,
Bucharest, 2012, p. 425-440; Alexandruiclea, Trata t de dr eptul muncii, VIIth edition, Universul Juridic, Bucharest, 2013, p. 494-
4 Republished in the “Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, no. 345 of 18 May 2011, as amended and supplemented.
5 Published in the Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, no. 303 of 29 June 1999.
6 See extensively Ion Traian Ştefnescu, Tratat teoretic şi practic de drept al muncii, op. cit., p . 437-440; Aurelian Gabriel Uluitu,
Aspecte privind Ordonana de urgen a Guvernului nr. 36 din 30 apr ilie 2013 p rivind aplicar ea în perioada 2013-2018 a unor
msuri de protecie social acordat persoanelor disponibilizate prin concedieri colective efectuate în baza planurilor de
disponibilizare, in „Revista român de dreptul muncii”, no. 8/2013, p. 23-32.
7 Published in the “Official Gazette of Romania”, Part I, no. 251 of 30 April 2013.
Until 31 December 2012 and has produced legal effects of the Government Emergency Ordin ance no. 116/2006 on social protection
for people made redundant through collective redundancies due to restructuring and reorganization of national societies, autonomous,

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