Individual employment contract suspension in case of activity interruption and / or the temporary activity reduction

AuthorOlimpia-Monica Matias
PhD Olimpia-Monica MATIAŞ
The economic and financial rea sons determined by the curr ent c risis have imposed to t he Romanian
legislator that, in the flexible r egulatory context concerning the labour reports, has to intervene to reduce the loss.
The legal framework available to the employer in this situation refers to the provisions of the ar t. 52, 1st pa ragraph,
letter c, a rt.52, 3rd pa ragraph, art.53 and 122, 3r d par agraph, all from Law no.40/20111, for Law no.53/2003
modification and amendment concerning the Labour code. Under conditions of economic crisis, it is natura l that
employers have the necessary means to e fficiently organize their activity, meanwhile keeping its staff on these
periods. This does not mean that, dur ing the suspension period the employees can not r esign, no need to ter minate
the suspension provided for in Article 52 line 3 of the Labour Code in or der to intervene in the individual la bor
contract termination. From the employer’s perspective there is no ban imposed to him by art. 60 of the Labour Code
in r elation to this type of suspension, so that the latter may proceed to dismiss the employee during the unilater al
suspension of his labor contract ar ranged under Article 52 line 3 of the Labour Code.
Key words: suspension, activity interr uption and/or the temporary activity reduction, crisis, e mployer, to reduce the
JEL Classification: K31
I. The legal framework available to the employer in this situation refers to the
provisions of the art. 52, 1st paragraph, letter c, art.52, 3rd paragraph, art.53 and 122, 3rd
paragraph, all from Law no.40/20111
, for Law no.53/2003 modification and amendment
concerning the Labour code.
1. According to art.52, 1st paragraph, letter c of the Labour Code, the individual
employment contract may be suspended from the employer’s initiative in case of activity
interruption or the temporary reduction, without the employment relationship termination for
economic, technological, structural or similar reasons.
By the Decision no.383.20112
of the Constitutional Court, the provisions of the art.52,
1st paragraph letter. c from the Law no. 40/2011 were declared constitutional. In explanation, the
Court showed that “these dispositions give to the employer the possibility to suspend the
individual employment contract even in the situation of its temporary activity reduction. Such
reduction is not a pure subjective one, meaning that it will depend entirely on the employer’s
will, but it has to be included in the normative contents context of the criticized text, so that the
employer will be able to suspend the individual employment contract only for an objective
reason, that does not depend on his exclusive will. If, in an objective way, the employer will not
be economically capable to handle the market demands and, although he will reduce his activity,
he will still be forced to pay the staff salaries for the not performed work, would lead to the
situation in which his ownership will be irretrievably damaged”.
In the same way, mutatis mutandis, we have the considerations of the Constitutional
Court Decisions no.1.276 from October 12 2010, published in the Official Journal of Romania,
Olimpia-Monica Matiaş, Judge at Timis Court,
Published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 225 from March 31 2011 for Law no.53/2003 modification and
Published in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, no. 225 from April 21 2011.

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