Critical Study on 'Mental Incapacity in International Criminal Court

AuthorVenus Ghareh Baghi
PositionPhD in progress, Faculty of Law in Islamic Azad University, branch of Kazerun, No 159, 7th Boostan St., Pasdaran Ave, P.O.BOX: 19585/466, Tehran, Irán
The subject of are
undecided about desirabilit
disagreement on the defens
definition of mental incapa
exclusion one response
to pr
narrows the definitio n of me
excuse and justification with
sentence in some
cases, whic
: diminished respo
1. Introduction
The Rome Statute con
derives fro
undifferentiated concep
punishability and prose
types of exoneration u
presents multifaceted ch
The subject area of defe
been undecid
ed about d
has been much disagree
system. Under the inte
the right to present hi
respect, international cr
most continental legal s
It is obvious the defens
where it has been accep
PhD in progress,
Faculty o
Boostan St., Pasdaran Ave, P
21 22 76 02 02.
Critical Study on “Mental Incapa
International Criminal Cour
area defenses is debated and not yet settled. So law makers
ility of for mulating di
screte separate d efenses there has
nse as defined by di fferent municipal legal system. The IC
pacity are broadly state, witho ut any prospectively applie
procedural difficulty might be through a change in the substa
mental in capacity. International criminal court has been conf
ithin defense of mental incapacity thus, such dif
ficult led to
hich this question will be contrary to criminal justice.
sponsibility; mitigation responsibility
; common law; mental inc
ontains a catalo
gue of defenses in articles 31-
from Anglo
American law and is a rather
comprising both, substantive and procedur
osecution. Most civil law systems refrain from
n under one heading. Thus
mental incapaci
challenge to the system international prosecution.
efenses is extremely unsettled. So law marker and
t desirability of formulating discrete separate defe
reement on the defense as defined by different mun
ternational prosecution systems adversarial, the a
s or her own testimony, including expert, witn
criminal prosecutions also differ from criminal pro
l system.
ense of mental incapacity derived from national cri
cepted plea for many centuries. It played a limited
y o
f Law in Islamic Azad University, branch of Kazerun,
e, P.O.BOX: 19585/466, Tehran,
Iran. Tel.: + 98 21 22 56 51
ding author:
AUDJ, vol
. VII, no.
No. 2/2011
pacity in
rs and jurist are
as been much
lied categorical
stantive law that
nfused between
to differentiate
33. The term
r broad and
dural bars to
putting both
acity defense
nd jurist have
efenses there
unicipal legal
e accused has
itness, in the
proceeding in
criminal law,
ed role in the
n, No 159, 7th
51 49, fax:
+ 98
2, pp. 78-86

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