General Considerations Regarding the Restrictions, Exemptions and Limitations on the Right of Free Movement of Persons

AuthorVasilica Negrut
PositionProfessor, PhD, Dean of Faculty of Law, 'Danubius' University of Galati
General Considerations Regarding the
Restrictions, Exemptions and Limitations
on the Right of Free Movement of Persons
Vasilica NEGRU
Abstract: T his paper a ddresses a c urrent problem, not only f or the legal research, but also for the
practical activity. Through this stud y we resume a subject that was analyzed by other authors as well,
however, we highlighted, based on the analysis and observation, certain features on the free
movement of persons. In the current context of globalization, the free movement of persons has new
nuances. Based on the historical perspective of the approach of this principle, we examined the
restrictions, exceptions and limitations on free movement of persons. From the analysis of the
European legislation and jur isprudence it results that the exceptions on the free movement of persons
must be interpreted strictly, the limits and the purpose of the restrictions being consistent with the
general principles of European Union law (non-dis crimination principle, proportiona lity and
fundamental rights protection).
Keywords: free movement of persons; restrictions; limitations; rights
1. Introduction
Initially, the free movement was linked to the concept of workers, what the
German doctrine called “marktburger” when describing the status of workers in
European law, that is the person is economically active, exercising cross-border
economic activities (tefan & Andrean-Grigoriu, 2007, p. 383). When it was
established the EEC Treaty, the freedom of movement of persons was not designed
as a right of the Member States citizens to move anywhere in the Community, for
any purpose.
Professor, PhD, Dean of Faculty of Law, “Danubius” University of Galati, 3 Galati Boulevard,
800654 Galati, Romania. Tel.: +40.372.361.102, fax: +40. 372.361.290. Corresponding author:
vasilicanegrut@univ-danubius. ro.
AUDJ, vol. 9, no. 2/2013, pp. 5-13

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