Concept of environment, sustainable development and respect for human rights

AuthorUrjana Çuri
PositionUniversity Cristal, Fier, Albania
Concept of environment, sustainable development and respect
for human rights
PhD Student Urjana ÇURI
The insistence on the definition of environmental protection is an aspira tion which
has served a s prer equisites to the implementation of human rights in a global economic
crises. Eur opean Regional System has tr aditionally been focused on the protection of civil
and political r ights. In the wake of environ mental risks that imply the violation of human
rights, the empha sis has been placed more on the social, economic and cultural. Collective
mechanisms to appeal to the United Nations a nd the European Court of Human Rights,
gave a number of decisions on matter s implicating environmental la ws a nd policies. What
is to be noted, is the evolution of the guara ntees provided under the European Con vention
on Human Rights, which refers to a substantial u ndersta nding of environmental pr otection,
and a lso including procedur al aspects r elated to the pr otection of the right to life, pr ivacy,
property, information and effective means of a ppeal. This evolution h as been la unched by
the growing need for states to ta ke preventive measures and policies to the requirements for
a ba lanced sustaina ble economic development, avoiding environmental r isks that imply the
violation of human rights. Pr oportionality in the protection of the interests in this respect
creates a context for a fair tr ial, b ut a lso promotes an open a nd constr uctive dialogue
between judges and lawmakers to protect the p ublic interest .
Keywords: Environment, Sustaina ble Economic Development, Public in terest, the
rights of the individual.
JEL Classification: K32, K33
1. Urgency to prevent environmental pollution
Urban Massacre happened because of Hurricane Sandy2, in America in
24 states, from Florida to Maine, West Michigan and Wisconsin, with particularly
serious consequences in New Jersey and New York, reminded us that such events
should not be neglected when it comes to environmental issues. Its storm lashed
New York City on October 29 covering with strong currents roads, tunnels,
subway. While years on July 11th Copenhagen waters flooded a 135 mm rainfall
intensity in 2 hours3. Air pollution by high concentration of dust (PM), O3, NO2,
BAP, SO2, CO, benzene and heavy metals such as Arsenic, CADMIUM, nickel
returned to cause danger to the environment as eutrophication , acidification, heart
disease, respiratory complications, lung cancer, and other diseases or. Some
1 Urjana Çuri - University Cristal, Fier, Albania,
2 Beychok, M.R. (2005). Fundamentals Of Stack Gas Dispersion (4th ed.), author-published,
3 Pattberg, P; Stripple, J. (2008). "Beyond the public and private divide: remapping transnational
Climate governance in the 21st century." Inter national Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law
and Economics

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