The Beginning of the Economic Romanian Journalism Mercury- 1839-1841

AuthorCristina Dosuleanu
PositionDanubius University of Galati, Faculty of Communication Sciences
Danubius University of Galat
The first Romanian p
which was printed for the first
trading information needs of me
the cause and types of informatio
and the Tara Romaneasca. For
economic and politic matter and
For instance Adam Smith
contained with voluntary work in
and therefor only in agriculture.
important ports in Europe and in
governed other trading activities
and agricultu re. This publication
economical science
in general, b
Keywords: Mercury newspaper
La situation économique du Ba
Les historiens qui ont étudié le p
situées au bord du Danube sont u
les conditions étaient propices à
encore davantage.
ensemble de facteurs favorables
voies de communication, qui
poissons de l’eau, en céréales et b
commerciaux, un véritable «
de la Moldavie, sud-
est de la Tra
qui ont vécu sur l’actuel territoi
Istoricul oraşului Brăila din cele
Interdisciplinary Dimensions of Com
The Beginning of the Economic
nian Journalism Mercury
- 1839-1841
Cristina Dosuleanu
lati, Faculty of Communication Sciences, cristina.d
publication that debated only economic matters was the Me
rst time in Braila, on 18 December 1839, as an expression
merchants from Br aila. In the p
rogram, the teacher Ioan Pene
ation to be publ icized; which arouses the interest of traders fro
or the first time in the Romanian news history they wrote a
nd also assess and comment on innovative ideas of the fathe
who militated for free trading and capitalism, also Franco
k in economics and sus
that the capital gains was possib
re. More intresting information about the dynamics of tradin
in the country, the merchants had the opportunity to find o
ies in different ports, but also theoretical or practical concept
tion opened a new important road for the economical journal
, because the thoroughly studying of this area began much late
; economical science; history of Romania
Bas Danube lors de la parution de la première pu
e passé du Bas Danube sont toujours partis de la pr
t un don du fleuve. Il en était ainsi partout. Les gens
à la vie, mai
s la zone du Bas Danube, de Brăila e
sement d’une ville comme Brăila ne saurait être
les, relief, climat, hydrographie, flore et faune, p
lui assurent la prospérité. (…)
Voilà donc, com
et bétail de la plaine, et lieu favorable de rencontre
» économique pour une zone géographique
Transylvanie), ont pu assurer la prospérité des com
itoire de Brăila il y a environ six millénaires
» (I
ele mai vechi timpuri până la 1540
, Muzeul Brăilei,
Communication Science
Mercury newspaper,
n of economic and
enescu clearly states
from both Moldova
ab out problems
thers of economics.
cois Quesnay who
ssible only in nature
ding activi ties from
ut about laws w
epts about economy
, bu t also for
ater in the history of
prémisse que les villes
ens s’établissaient là où
ăla en
particulier, offrait
re que le résultat d’un
lus un carrefour des
omment la richesse en
tre de plusieurs intérêts
ue vaste (Valachie, sud
ommunautés humaines
(I. Cândea, V
. Sîrbu,
ăei, Brăila, 1993, pp 4

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