Attitudes, opinions and behaviour of Brasov managers as regards the application of ecological marketing in their business

AuthorFunaru, M.
PositionChristian University D. Cantemir from Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series V: Economic Sciences Vol. 6 (55) No. 2 - 2013
Mihaela FUNARU
Abstract: This paper presents r esults of a quantita tive resear ch study which
focuses on the attitudes, opinions and behaviour of Brasov manag ers as
regar ds the application of ecological marketing in their business. The research
method used is based on a sample survey. The research objective is to
determine the extent to which Brasov ma nagers know and apply gr een
marketing in their business. The findings suggest that local companies’
manager s generally have knowledge of ecologica l marketing. Manager s are
interested in applying green marketing and believe that it is important for a
company from a strategic per spective, due to the long-term benefits it brings.
Key words: ecological/green marketing, qua ntitative resear ch, inquiry
based sur vey, sample survey, proactive approa ch.
1. Introduction
Considering the importance of the
awareness of environmental issues the
world faces, the problems linked to the
limited non-renewable resources, it is
important to study and analyse the situation
in Romania regarding the awareness of
Romanian companies of such problems, the
adoption of green marketing by firms, and
the environment law enforcement.
In the green marketing activities, as in all
areas where marketing is applied, a special
role in the proper operation of the firm is
played by marketing research.
Many Romanian and foreign marketing
specialists have been involved in studying
and deepening this area - marketing
research such as Lefter (2004), Mihi
(1996), Malhotra (2007), Stewart (1991),
Balaure (2002), Evrard, Pras and Roux
(1993), Ctoiu (2002), Drgan and
1 Christian University D. Cantemir from Braşov
Demetrescu (1996), Lehmann (1989),
Aaker and Day (1990), Constantin (2006,
2009) etc.
The main method for obtaining primary
data is represented by survey-based
investigations. This involves
communication with subjects that are part
of a representative sample of the population
under consideration.
Survey-based investigations involve
asking respondents. They are asked to
answer a variety of questions about their
behaviour, intentions, attitudes, their
motivations, including demographic data on
their characteristics and lifestyle.
Investigations usually follow to learn
about consumer buying behaviours,
opinions and attitudes, to find the values
provided by buyers or consumers. Surveys
offer the possibility to obtain a wide range
of information about a particular population

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