The Institution of Juridical Assistants inthe Current Romanian Legislation. The Necessity Of Reform in Accordance with Examples Offered by Comparative Law

AuthorLavinia Onica Chipea
PositionLecturer, Faculty of Law, Department of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
The Institution of Juridical
Assistants in the Current Romanian
Legislation. The Necessity Of Reform in
Accordance with Examples Offered by
Comparative Law
Abstract: The paper analyzes the institution of judicial assistants in the context of the current
Romanian legislation and the sp ecialty legal literature. The presentation of doctrinal views on the
need f or reform of this institution, the examples from comparative l aw systems (German, English,
French), the conclusions of our ow n study carried out by means of sociological inquiry, whose
subjects were specialists act ually involved in the process of solving individual labor conflicts,
represented the necessary support for the for mulation of suggestions of a ferenda law meant to
improve and streamline its operation. The formulated proposals may provide the legislator support in
the course of perfecting, at the level of regulation, of the pr ocess of specialization of labor jurisdiction
in the Romanian legal system.
Keyword: judicial assistants; deliberative vote; advisory vote; panel composition; systems of
compared law
1. Introduction
In solving individual labor conflicts, in the Romanian legal system, courts have
had exclusive jurisdiction, since 1992, being eliminated the special powers of
different bodies, which were given up subsequently: trial commissions, the superior
hierarchically administrative organ, the collective management organ etc. (iclea,
2012, p. 958)
In this regard, the provisions of Art. 208 of Law. 62/2011 of social dialogue
expressly provide that, in regard to the settlement of labor disputes, the general
competence belongs to jurisdiction courts.
The composition of panels for solving individual labor disputes shall be determined
by the provisions of article 55 of Law no. 304/2004 on judicial organization,
republished, as amended by Law no. 202/2010, according to which the first
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Department of Law and Administrative Sciences, Univers ity of Oradea,
Oradea, Romania. 26 General Magheru St., Oradea. Phone: 0259 408 105. Corresponding author:
AUDJ, vol. 9, no. 2/2013, pp. 134-143

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