Aspects regarding the impact of the Administrative Code on the specialized central public administration in Romania. Special attention to the Ministry of National Education

AuthorNarcis Teodor Godeanu
PositionFaculty of Law, ?Spiru Haret' University, Romania,
Aspects regarding the impact of the Administrative Code
on the specialized central public administration in Romania.
Special attention to the Ministry of National Education
Associate professor Narcis Teodor GODEANU1
The study aims to analyze the amendments made by the Administrative Code to the
central specialized administration, in general a nd to the Ministry of Nationa l Education in
particula r. The a doption of the Administrative Code is a legislative event that will
undoubtedly influence the evolution of the central, local and local public administration in
genera l and of each of its constituent author ities in particular . Last but not least, it will
bring benefits to the work of the state and the lives of citizens. A special analysis will give
direct influence to the Ministry of Nationa l Education, given the significance of the public
service it mana ges, that of educa tion, in a ll its forms per mitted by the Constitution: state,
private and confessional. The way in which this central specialized a uthority achieves it s
competence influences not only the pr esent, but also the future of a nation, through the
institutionalized forms of education, prepar ing future generations.
Keywords: Administrative code, educa tion, a dministrative la w, specia lized centr al
public administra tion, competence, ministry, Ministry of National Educa tion.
JEL Classification: K23
1. The significance of the adoption of the Administrative Code for the
Romanian legal system
The adoption by the Chamber of Deputies as the Chamber of Decisions of
the Romanian Administrative Code on July 9, 2018 is undoubtedly one of the
legislative events that will remain capitalized in the history of Romanian law in
general and of the one after 1990, in particular. We say this because the existence
of an Administrative Code has been a desideratum for our country after 1990,
constantly and persuasively affirmed both in the political programs of party parties
or party alliances that have taken place in the government, but also in an active and
assumed preoccupation of the doctrine , after, but also before 1990. Shared
opinions were either generally in the sense of recognizing the benefits that an
Administrative Code might bring and the real possibility of it being adopted, either
in a negative sense, of nullification the possibility of achieving such an objective,
given the complexity, the vastness and the mutability of the phenomenon that it
would be called to regulate, namely the public administration2.
1 Narcis Teodor Godeanu Faculty of Law, „Spiru Haret” University, Romania,
2 D. Apostol Tofan, Codificar ea pr ocedurii a dministrative, in E. Blan, C. Iftene, D. Troan, M.
Vcrelu (editors), Codificarea administrativ. Abordri doctrinare i cerine practice, Wolters

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