General Aspects Regarding the Civil Institution of Legacy and Wills in the New Civil Code

AuthorIonas, D.G.
PositionLaw Department, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Diana G. IONAŞ1
Abstract: The testament is the unilateral, personal and reversible document
through which a person called bequeather disposes in one of the forms
provided by the law for the time when he/she will no longer be alive. The
main object of the testaments is represented by legacies. But the legacy is the
testamentary provision through which the bequeather stipulates that when
he/she passes away, one or more legatees will acquire his/her entire
inheritance, a part of it or certain assets. In consequence, the modality of
transmission and acquiring of property is the legacy, and not the testament.
That is why, in the reference books, a question often asked is the one
regarding the legal character of the testament and, in consequence, its
characteristic features in relation to its legal character of generosity, like
Key words: testament, legacy, judicial character, characters.
1 Law Department, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Introduction
When a person passes away, his/her
inheritance is passed on to those entitled
according to the law. Although the
inheritance ab intestat represents the rule,
it can be superseded by decuius by
drawing up a testament. According to
article 1034 in the New Civil Code, the
testament is a unilateral, personal and
reversible document, through which a
person called bequeather disposes in one of
the firms provided by the law for the time
when he/she will no longer be alive.
The main object of testaments is
represented by legacies. The legacy is
defined in article 986 from the New Civil
Code and is the judicial document
comprised in a testament through which
the bequeather appoints one or more
people who, when he/she passes away, will
receive his/her entire inheritance, apart of
it or certain assets.
In such a situation, the following
question was asked in the reference boo ks:
which is the legal character of the
According to one opinion [1], the
testament was characterized as being a
legal pattern which records a
manifestation of will expressed in the form
of a legacy. Therefore, the role of the
testament is that of a legal document which
contains legacies, namely dispositions of
last will with a character of translative
ownership. In case it comprises other
testamentary dispositions apart from
legacies, then a single document comprises

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