Aspects on the practical utility of the transfer in the field of the employees and the public servant. Proposals de lege ferenda

AuthorAna Vidat
Aspects on the practical utility of the transfer
in the field of the employees and the public servant. Proposals de lege
Associate professor Ana VIDAT
The transfer institution aims to ensure the continuity of the individual labor con-
tract/individual administrative contract
and seniority, the new unit being subrogated to
the contractual rights and obliga tions assumed by the first unit. Regarding the practical
utility of the transfer, it should be stressed that the employment/ service relationship
not cease with the first employer, a nd a new contract with the second employer is con-
cluded; thus, the same individual labor contract/individual ad ministrative contract is
ceded definitively from the first to the second employer.
Keywords: individual employment contract; individual administrative; change
contract; transfer.
JEL Clasification: K23, K31
1. Introductory issues
A) The current Labor Code no longer regulates the transfer of employees,
neither on request nor in the interest of the service as a definitive way of mod-
ifying the individual labor contract.
As judiciously pointed out in the literature
, the solution adopted by the
legislator is justified by the new economic realities
, but also by the legal norms
that no longer have any negative effect on the employee who resigns and is em-
ployed by another employer without make use of transfer.
B) Framework Law no. 153/2017 on the remuneration of staff paid from
public funds
resorts to the legal transfer of the transferring institution within the
Ana Vidat - Department of Law, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania,
To be seen I.T. Ştefănescu, Tratat teoretic şi practic de drept al muncii, 4th ed., revised and added,
Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2017, p. 24.
Idem, p. 22-28.
To be seen I.T. Ştefănescu, Ş. Beligrădeanu, Prezentare de ansamblu şi observaţii critice asupra
noului Cod al muncii, „Dreptul”, no. 4/2003, p. 25.
For example, in Austrian labor law, transfer is permitted provided that this possibility is expressly
provided for at the conclusion of the individual employment contract (;
according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the permanent transfer to another unit is
allowed only with the written consent of the employee (; in the Labor Contract
Act in Portugal, the transfer is allowed provided that this measure does not harm the employee
Republished in the "Official Gazette", Part I, no. 492 of 28 June 2017.

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