Aspects of identity construction in the context of globalization

AuthorCoposescu, S.
PositionFaculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Brasov
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov
Series VII: Social Sciences • Law • Vol. 4 (53) No. 2 - 2011
Abstrac t: The paper focuses on p roblems of ind ividual and s ocial
identit y-construct ion in the con text of globaliza tion. Th e author analyse s
the concep t of iden tity from an interdiscipl inary and modern and post-
modern perspe ctives. As a conclu sion the author claims that a ne w
approac h s trategy of defining and int erpreting ident ity in the epoch of
globali zation is nec essary in orde r to explain and understand the social
changes at local, regional an d world leve ls.
Key wo rds: ide ntity, iden tity crisis, globalizati on, social c hanges.
1 Faculty of Sociology and Communication, Transilvania University of Braşov.
1. Identity and change
Paraphrasing the English poet and
essayist T.S. Eliot, in a changing world
there is one thing that remains unchanged,
the continuous struggle between Good and
Evil. But as David Massey [1] observes
there are still other things that do not
change. For example, the never-ending
longing for identity that grows as times
change. And the 21-st century seems to be
the epoch of globalization and of changing
times. In this context of profound and
accelerated changes, individuals, groups
and (small as well as large) communities
are fearfully and hopefully searching for
their identity. Identity is present – whether
explicitly or not – on the lips of ordinary
people, in the halls of governmental
offices, in the seminar rooms, in the social
science research laboratories and among
the topics of international conferences.
These common sense observations
suggest th at identity is perceived at
different l evels and in various manners as
an issue of our times. ‘Identity has become
one of the unifying frameworks of
intellectual debate in the 1990s’, states
Richard Jenkins [2]. He notices that
everybody has an opinion on identity:
sociologists, anthropologists, political
theorists, psychologists, historians,
philosophers, etc. Moreover, identity is not
only a topic of intellectual debates but a
practical issue as well. Business people
have understood that in order to sell goods
and services it is necessary to sell an
‘identity’ as well. Purchasing a new
product means a new brand. Thus, identity
is constructed and purchased in corner
shops, in school, at the workplace, during
business trips or holidays, in families or
groups of friends. A n ew brand (new
dressing style, new diet, new hair style,
new interior design, new job, new
organisation, new group of friends, etc.)
means a change with regard to the time
and the others. Consequently, i dentities
change: new id entities occur, the
traditional ones are revived, or the existing
ones are transformed (de-constructed and
re-constructed). However identity is not

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