The Applicable Surrender Procedure between Romania, Norway and Iceland
Author | Ion Rusu |
Position | Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Law, 'Danubius' University of Galati |
Pages | 112-117 |
European Integration - Realities and Perspectives
The Applicable Surrender Procedure
between Romania, Norway and Iceland
Rusu Ion
Abstract: The paper aims at examining procedures for persons’ surrender that have c ommitted crimes in one
of the territory of the three states in terms of internal and European legislation in this area, its importance
resulting in the need for strengthening specific activities of judicial cooperation in criminal matters. The
previous research conducted in this area has resulted in studies and articles p ublished in professional journals
or proceedings of international conferences. The work is useful to judicial bodies with powers of judicial
cooperation in criminal matters and to those interested in researching this form of judicial cooperation in
criminal matters between Romania and the two mentioned European countries, which are not EU members.
The results of the essential contribution of the work, its originality, ar e focused on the general examination, in
critical observations and proposals for supplementing and amending the European legislative ac t governing
the act of surrender.
Keywords: crime; judicial cooperation; surrender procedure
1. Introduction
Preventing and combating crime of all kinds, especially the cross-border one, was a constant concern
of all countries of the world since ancient times. As intensifying the cooperation in all fields between
the countries of the world, especially at economic level, appeared various possibilities of movement of
individuals on all continents.
Thus, the global crime has seen new forms of expression, some of extraordinary violence, the
perpetrators of these types of actions succeed in many cases to avoid criminal liability, disappearing
from the country where they committed the acts and hiding in the other states. (Rusu, 2010, p. 54)
Under these conditions, over time, the crime manifested in various violence f orms, with threats to
individual security of citizens or to the internal security of states. The creation of some real
opportunities for citizens traveling in Europe (starting from the second half of last century) has caused
new mutations in the structure of cross-border crime, mutations that are generally determined by the
possibility of moving criminal elements, of ensuring efficient organization and logistics. (Rusu, 2009,
pp. 18-19)
We may say that amid all these changes, especially in the recent decades, in Europe, as in the whole
world, crime has known an unprecedented evolution manifested in various forms, some of extreme
gravity, thereby threatening the safety of individual and collective safety, or even the existence of
some states. (Rusu, 2009, p. 186)
This imminent danger, stemming from the growing organized crime, as the possibility of avoiding the
prosecution or trial of perpetrators, hiding in other countries, has led governments to intensify the
activity of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, being the only way to prevent and
combat the phenomenon as a whole.
Senior Lecturer, PhD, Faculty of Law, “Danubius” University of Galati, 3 Galati Boulevard, 800654 Galati, Romania, Tel.:
+40.372.361.102, fax: +40.372.361.290, Corresponding author:
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