Analysis criminology customs offenses under Moldovan law

AuthorAurel Octavian Pasat
PositionAcademy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Analysis criminology customs offenses under Moldovan law
Lecturer Aurel Octavian PASAT
Abstrac t
This p aper aims t o high light t he fact th at crime, in cluding that c ommitted in the
customs sphere, has a certain structure, made up of acts of smuggl ing a nd the evasion of
customs payments, combi ned offenses u nder art. 248 an d 249 of the Cri minal Code of the
Repub lic of Moldov a. In additi on, by presenting statisti cal dat a reveal that cri me ha s a
certain way, a certain dynamic (in creases or decreases sta tionary ). State and dynamics of
crime are two Su bconcept s criminolog y. If the stru cture crime of known compositi on and
configu ration phe nomenon in a ce rtain unit o f time and in a certain spac e, dyna mics help s
to deve lop more reali stic assumptions on the causes that generate or faci litate crimes, some
forecasts on its d eployment in the future, and effective mean s of preventi ng and comba ting
the p henomenon . In th e study t hey were u sed various research methods, includ ing:
anal ysis, sy nthesis, deduct ion, i nduction . In the study are a dvanced some proposals to
improve the leg al framework incriminat ing in developi ng too ls for ident ifying featu res of
criminal -law of customs offenses und er M oldovan la w, w hich led t o the submissio n of
propo sals to improv e the text of the law to preven t and comb at crime in the cust oms sphere .
Keywords: customs offense, crime, smuggli ng, evasion of custo ms payment s, social
dang er.
JEL Cla ssification: K14, K42
1. Introductory aspects of crime in the customs s phere in Moldova
In this study highlights that crime, including that committed in the customs
sphere, has a certain structure, made up of acts of smuggling and the evasion of
customs payments, art.248 and 249 offenses grouped under the Criminal Code. In
addition, by presenting statistical data reveal that crime has a certain way, a certain
dynamic (increases or decreases stationary). State and dynamics of crime are two
Subconcepts criminology.
The statistical data of economic crime for the years 2004-2012 observe the
following trend: in 2004-2007, smuggling registered a negative dynamic in the
sense of increasing the number of crimes committed. From 2007 to 2013 the
This art icle w as submitt ed to 6th International Conference “Perspectives of Bus iness Law in the
Third M illennium”, 25 -26 November 2016, t he Bucharest University of Economic Studies,
Bucharest, Romania.
Aurel O ctavian Pasat - Academy of Economic Studies of M oldova, Customs Ins pector, Cus toms
Border Galati-Giurgiulesti,

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