Adopting the euro: Romanian perspectives in the context of the global financial crisis

AuthorOros, A. - O'Sullivan, P.
PositionPhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu - Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov • Vol. 6 (55) No. 1 - 2013
Series V: Economic Sciences
Abstract: The objective of this paper is to examine Romania’s capacity to
fulfil the nominal convergence criteria in the current context, in order to
follow the calendar proposed for eur o adoption in 2 015. The paper analyzed
the evolution of all five criteria under the impact of the cur rent financial
crisis a nd also looked at the forecast provided by nationa l and inter national
author ities. The study was conducted considering the rela tive situa tion with
the euro a rea. The main finding is that the actua l tar get for euro a doption
could be complied with, pr ovided further progr ess is made. We ha ve also
fond that the ta rget should be a chieved as it would represent a str ong
stimulus for the local government to implement additional measures to
reduce public indebtedness a nd inflationar y pressure.
Key words: Romania, Euro, nominal convergence cr iteria, financial cr isis.
1 PhD. Student, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu.
2 Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Ireland.
1. Introduction
The euro area is a unique model of
economic and monetary union: it
comprises 17 European Union member
states, most of them different as regards
economic development, political system,
culture and mentality, but who decided to
adopt the euro as a common currency and
legal tender. As Mundell (1961) stated in
his seminal paper, “supra-money”, a
concept which was debated a long time,
finally came into existence. (Mundell,
Based on the gross domestic product
(GDP) and population, the Eurozone is a
leading global player in the world
economy. As noticed in Table 1, in 2011
the euro area was the second largest
economic entity in the world after the
United States, but well beyond China. The
euro has also become the second most
widely used international currency, with a
rising share in foreign exchange reserves
from 17.9% in 1999 to a peak of 27.7% in
2009, and to 25% in 2011.
Looking at the data presented above, we
could conclude that it is a tremendous
privilege to join such a “club”. However, is
it possible for Romania to adopt the euro in
2015 as originally planned? Did the current
financial crisis affect the attainment of the
nominal convergence criteria? Is it
Romania still “on track”? These are the
questions we will try to answer in the
following chapters. The paper is structured
as follows. Chapter 2 presents the
advantages and disadvantages of adopting
the single currency and also options for
Romania. Chapter 3 analyzes the evolution
of the five nominal convergence criteria

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