From Accountability to Self-Regulation in Romanian Media

AuthorDaniela Popa
PositionAssistant Professor, PhD, Danubius University of Galati, Romania
European Integration - Realities and Perspectives 2014
From Accountability to Self-Regulation in Romanian Media
Daniela Aurelia Popa
Abstract: The present study is based on results dissemination for one of the four indicators (Background,
Accountability, Solidarity and Efficiency) interpreted in the qualitative analysis of media self-regulatory
system in Romania. The importance of this research topic for both practitioners and researchers in the field,
lies in the fact that media self-regulation is a relatively new process, which has not yet reached the collective
consciousness of Romanian society. This approach of the accountability indicator aims to obtain an overview
of professional responsibility (an important pillar of media self-regulation) in order to create a development
framework for a definition of media self-regulation, respectively to discover the relevance of this system
implementation in Romania. The qualitative analysis will consider the common perception of journalists on
two main themes: professional liability and media self-regulation system. The research methodology applied
in this study was based on th e qualitative method of in-depth interview. The research will answer the
following questions: What journalists understa nd by professional responsibility? Which ar e the most
important professional values o be respected? Is mana gement important in empowering journa lists? Which
are the tr iggering factors involved in the implementation process of media self-regulation in Romania?
Keywords: professionalism; norms; values
1. Introduction
In the hereby study, the content of the collocation system of media a ccountability generally targets a
series of demarches for the supervision of the professional journalistic act, involving a moral conduct
in the development of the professional activities but also the existence of an organism specialized in
the following of this conduct.
The present study will analyze from the quality point of view, the common perception of the
journalists regarding two main themes: professional accountability and the system of media self-
regulation. Each main theme has generated secondary themes corresponding to the assertions gathered
after interviewing journalists. These secondary themes have focused on dimensions such as: attitude,
evaluation, satisfaction, criticism, motivational, because the analysis contained the support of the
respondents for a certain aspect, their appreciations regarding the functioning of a system or the
satisfaction, critical level or the motivational one.
The motivation for choosing a semi structured interview is the fact that this type is suitable for a
deeper analysis of a certain sector or for the track of the development in time of a sector which is
already known. (Marinescu, 2009, p. 52)
Choosing this type of interview has facilitated the interrogation of the journalists regarding their
accountability and the best methods to be applied in order to implement the system of self -regulation
1 Assistant Professor, Ph D, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Boulevard, 800654 Galati, Romania,
Tel.: +40.372.361.102, Fax: +40.372.361.290, Corresponding author:

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